Scriptname _00E_FS_Smelter_Workbench extends ObjectReference {script that is attached to all smelter workbenches and manages the switching between dismantling and smelting} Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Message Property _00E_Theriantrophist_CantCraftMSG Auto Message Property _00E_Smelting_DismantlingMSG Auto Race Property _00E_Theriantrophist_PlayerWerewolfRace Auto ObjectReference Property _00E_Dismantling_SmelterREF Auto Event OnInit() BlockActivation() Endevent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) ; block the player from activating the smelter when being transformed in werewolf due to animation bugs If akActionRef == PlayerREF && PlayerREF.GetRace() == _00E_Theriantrophist_PlayerWerewolfRace _00E_Theriantrophist_CantCraftMSG.Show() ElseIf akActionRef == PlayerREF && !(PlayerREF.GetRace() == _00E_Theriantrophist_PlayerWerewolfRace) int iButton = _00E_Smelting_DismantlingMSG.Show() If iButton == 0 ; if the player wants to process ore into ingots Self.Activate(akActionRef, true) ElseIf iButton == 1 ; if the player wants to dismantle items back into crafting components, disable player controls Game.DisablePlayerControls(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true) _00E_Dismantling_SmelterREF.Activate(PlayerREF) Else return EndIf Else Self.Activate(akActionRef, true) ; if it's not the player but an NPC EndIf Endevent