Scriptname _00E_Phasmalist_ApparationInventory extends ReferenceAlias {total strength = (speed * base damage) or (base armor rating) or 0 + enchantement strength * magicEffectStrengthWeight + magicEffectStrengthWeight * spellbook spellstrength} ; script that manages the spectralizing process. It is attached to the alias that contains the spectralizing container. ; this alias is filled and the functions of this script are called mainly from _00E_Phasmalist_Workbench. import EnderalLib Message Property spectralizingCost auto Message Property cannotSpectralize auto Message Property updateCostCannotPay auto Message Property updateCostCanPay auto float Property strengthPointsPerSoulGem = 20.0 autoreadonly float Property strengthPointsPerBonemealOrEctoplasma = 8.0 autoreadonly Formlist Property soulGemTypesOrderedByStrength auto Formlist Property bonemealEctoplasmaTypesOrderedByStrength auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Function RemoveItemsUntilLimitReached(Actor that, Formlist itemList, int amount) Int index = 0 Int maxSize = itemList.GetSize() Int amountLeft = amount While index < maxSize && amountLeft > 0 Form item = itemList.GetAt(index) Int amountThatHad = that.GetItemCount(item) If amountThatHad >= amountLeft that.RemoveItem(item, amountLeft) Else that.RemoveItem(item, amountThatHad) EndIf amountLeft -= amountThatHad index = index + 1 EndWhile EndFunction Bool Function EvaluateAndClose(ObjectReference apparationContainer) {calculates the strength of all the items in the container and asks the player wether to spectralize them or not. Appropriatly, the spectralizing cost are removed from the player and the items are returned to him or added to the apparition. The return value is true when any item was added to the apparition} ;returns if an item has been added to the apparition ObjectReference selfRef = self.getRef() If selfRef.GetNumItems() == 0 return false EndIf Float strength = CalculateInventoryStrength() int soulGemAmount = Math.floor(strength / strengthPointsPerSoulGem) If soulGemAmount <= 0 soulGemAmount = 1 EndIf int bonemealAmount = Math.ceiling(strength / strengthPointsPerBonemealOrEctoplasma) int soulGemAmountPlayerHas = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(soulGemTypesOrderedByStrength) int bonemealAmountPlayerHas = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(bonemealEctoplasmaTypesOrderedByStrength) bool didAddItems = false If (soulGemAmountPlayerHas >= soulGemAmount && bonemealAmountPlayerHas >= bonemealAmount && selfRef.GetNumItems() > 0) int button =, bonemealAmountPlayerHas, soulGemAmount, soulGemAmountPlayerHas) If (button == 0) didAddItems = true selfRef.removeallitems(apparationContainer, false, true) RemoveItemsUntilLimitReached(PlayerREF, soulGemTypesOrderedByStrength, soulGemAmount) RemoveItemsUntilLimitReached(PlayerREF, bonemealEctoplasmaTypesOrderedByStrength, bonemealAmount) Else AddItemsToPlayer() EndIf Else cannotSpectralize.Show(bonemealAmount, bonemealAmountPlayerHas, soulGemAmount, soulGemAmountPlayerHas) AddItemsToPlayer() EndIf Return didAddItems EndFunction Function AddItemsToPlayer() self.getRef().removeallitems(akTransferTo = PlayerREF, abRemoveQuestItems = true) EndFunction Float Function CalculateInventoryStrength() Return EnderalLib.calculateContentStrength(Self.GetRef()) EndFunction Function UpdateCost() float strength = CalculateInventoryStrength() int soulGemAmount = Math.floor(strength / strengthPointsPerSoulGem) If soulGemAmount <= 0 soulGemAmount = 1 EndIf int bonemealAmount = Math.ceiling(strength / strengthPointsPerBonemealOrEctoplasma) int soulGemAmountPlayerHas = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(soulGemTypesOrderedByStrength) int bonemealAmountPlayerHas = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(bonemealEctoplasmaTypesOrderedByStrength) If (soulGemAmountPlayerHas >= soulGemAmount && bonemealAmountPlayerHas >= bonemealAmount), bonemealAmountPlayerHas, soulGemAmount, soulGemAmountPlayerHas) Else, bonemealAmountPlayerHas, soulGemAmount, soulGemAmountPlayerHas) EndIf EndFunction Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) UpdateCost() EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) If (self.getRef() == None) || (self.getRef().getNumItems() == 0) return EndIf UpdateCost() EndEvent