Scriptname _00E_Theriantrophist_TransformStorage extends Quest Form EquippedItemLeft Form EquippedItemRight Armor[] wornArmor Int whatKindLeft Int whatKindRight Float armorRating Float weaponDamageSpeed Float Property DualWieldLeftHandMalus = 4.0 Autoreadonly Hidden {The damage of a the left hand weapon is divided by this to avoid exploitation} Perk Property _00E_Class_BladeDancer_P01_Mercenary_01 Auto ;8 Perk Property _00E_Class_BladeDancer_P01_Mercenary_02 Auto ;7 Perk Property _00E_Class_Vandal_P01_Barbarian_01 Auto ; 12 Perk Property _00E_Class_Vandal_P01_Barbarian_02 Auto ; 10 Perk Property _00E_Class_Trickster_P01_StrongBowstring_01 Auto ; 12 Perk Property _00E_Class_Trickster_P01_StrongBowstring_02 Auto ; 10 ObjectReference Property _00E_TransformStorageREF Auto int Function GetWeaponDamage(Weapon weapID) int iDamage String scalingAV float fPerkMod Actor akplayer = Game.GetPlayer() if weapID.IsBattleaxe() || weapID.IsGreatsword() scalingAV = "TwoHanded" elseif weapID.IsBow() scalingAV = "Marksman" else scalingAV = "OneHanded" endif if scalingAV == "TwoHanded" if akplayer.HasPerk(_00E_Class_Vandal_P01_Barbarian_01) fPerkMod += 12 endif if akplayer.HasPerk(_00E_Class_Vandal_P01_Barbarian_02) fPerkMod += 10 endif elseif scalingAV == "Marksman" if akplayer.HasPerk(_00E_Class_Trickster_P01_StrongBowstring_01) fPerkMod += 12 endif if akplayer.HasPerk(_00E_Class_Trickster_P01_StrongBowstring_02) fPerkMod += 10 endif else if akplayer.HasPerk(_00E_Class_BladeDancer_P01_Mercenary_01) fPerkMod += 8 endif if akplayer.HasPerk(_00E_Class_BladeDancer_P01_Mercenary_02) fPerkMod += 7 endif endif iDamage = ((weapID.GetBaseDamage()*weapID.getSpeed())*(1+((akplayer.GetActorValue(scalingAV)*0.55)/100))*(1+(fPerkMod/100))) as Int return iDamage EndFunction Function saveEquippedItems() Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() EquippedItemLeft = PlayerRef.GetEquippedObject(0) EquippedItemRight = PlayerRef.GetEquippedObject(1) weaponDamageSpeed = 0 If !EquippedItemRight whatKindRight = 0 ElseIf (EquippedItemRight as Weapon) weaponDamageSpeed += GetWeaponDamage(EquippedItemRight as Weapon) whatKindRight = 1 ElseIf (EquippedItemRight as Spell) whatKindRight = 2 Else whatKindRight = 1 EndIf If !EquippedItemLeft whatKindLeft = 0 ElseIf (EquippedItemLeft as Weapon) GetWeaponDamage(EquippedItemLeft as Weapon) whatKindLeft = 1 ElseIf (EquippedItemLeft as Spell) whatKindLeft = 2 Else whatKindLeft = 1 EndIf wornArmor = new Armor[15] wornArmor[0] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000001) as Armor wornArmor[1] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000002) as Armor wornArmor[2] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor wornArmor[3] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000008) as Armor wornArmor[4] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000010) as Armor wornArmor[5] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000020) as Armor wornArmor[6] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000040) as Armor wornArmor[7] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000080) as Armor wornArmor[8] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000100) as Armor wornArmor[9] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000200) as Armor wornArmor[10] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000400) as Armor wornArmor[11] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00000800) as Armor wornArmor[12] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00001000) as Armor wornArmor[13] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00002000) as Armor wornArmor[13] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00004000) as Armor wornArmor[14] = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(0x00020000) as Armor armorRating = 0 Int i = 0 while (i < wornArmor.length) if (wornArmor[i] != None) armorRating += wornArmor[i].getArmorRating() Endif i += 1 Endwhile endFunction Float Function getArmorRating() return armorRating Endfunction Float Function getWeaponDamageSpeed() return weaponDamageSpeed Endfunction bool Function isEquippedItemRightSpell() return whatKindRight == 2 Endfunction bool Function isEquippedItemLeftSpell() return whatKindLeft == 2 Endfunction Spell Function getEquippedSpellRight() return EquippedItemRight as Spell EndFunction Spell Function getEquippedSpellLeft() return EquippedItemLeft as Spell EndFunction Function equipeItems() Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() if whatKindRight == 2 PlayerRef.EquipSpell(EquippedItemRight as Spell, 1) elseif PlayerRef.GetItemCount(EquippedItemRight) > 0 PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(EquippedItemRight,1 ) endif if whatKindLeft == 2 PlayerRef.EquipSpell(EquippedItemLeft as Spell, 0) elseif PlayerRef.GetItemCount(EquippedItemLeft) > 0 PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(EquippedItemLeft,2 ) endif Int index = wornArmor.length while index > 0 index -= 1 If wornArmor[index] && PlayerRef.GetItemCount(wornArmor[index]) > 0 ;removing and readding items fixes the issue that set bonuses wouldn't apply properly after re-transforming PlayerRef.RemoveItem(wornArmor[index], 1, true, _00E_TransformStorageREF) _00E_TransformStorageREF.RemoveItem(wornArmor[index], 1, true, PlayerRef) PlayerRef.EquipItem(wornArmor[index],false,true) EndIf Endwhile endFunction