;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 44 Scriptname QF_FS_NQ05_0101C82F Extends Quest Hidden ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Marker2 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Marker2 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Mirell ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Mirell Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Tochter ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Tochter Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Stuhl ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Stuhl Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Player ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Player Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Marker1 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Marker1 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Elixier ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Elixier Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Rezept ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Rezept Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_39 Function Fragment_39() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.PrepareEnde3() SetObjectiveCompleted(65) SetObjectiveDisplayed(100) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_15 Function Fragment_15() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(35) SetObjectiveCompleted(36) SetObjectiveCompleted(37) SetObjectiveCompleted(38) SetObjectiveCompleted(39) SetObjectiveDisplayed(40) Game.GetPlayer().RemovePerk(_00E_FS_NQ05_CraftPotionPerk) kmyQuest.MoveMirellStandby() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_37 Function Fragment_37() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(90) ;hier ist Ende 2 (Tochter tot) If _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 Game.UnlockAchievement("END_MIRELL_02") EndIf ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_43 Function Fragment_43() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(110) ;hier ist Ende 4 If _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 Game.UnlockAchievement("END_MIRELL_01") EndIf ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_21 Function Fragment_21() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.TestFunction() ;gibt dem Spieler alles, was er f�r den Trank braucht ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_16 Function Fragment_16() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(40) SetObjectiveDisplayed(50) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_35 Function Fragment_35() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.Warten() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_32 Function Fragment_32() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.PrepareKeller() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_14 Function Fragment_14() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(30) SetObjectiveDisplayed(35) kmyQuest.UpdateGlobals() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_34 Function Fragment_34() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(60) kmyQuest.KellerScene() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_38 Function Fragment_38() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.DayTimer() kmyQuest.GiveMirellElixir() SetObjectiveDisplayed(65) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_40 Function Fragment_40() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(100) ;hier ist Ende 3 If _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 Game.UnlockAchievement("END_MIRELL_03") EndIf ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_42 Function Fragment_42() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(65) SetObjectiveDisplayed(110) kmyQuest.PrepareEnde4() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_3 Function Fragment_3() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveDisplayed(20) kmyQuest.GivePlayerRecipe() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_19 Function Fragment_19() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.DayTimer() kmyQuest.GiveMirellElixir() SetObjectiveDisplayed(65) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_36 Function Fragment_36() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(80) kmyQuest.CloseDoorAfterEnde2() ;hier ist Ende 2 (Tochter lebt) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_17 Function Fragment_17() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(50) SetObjectiveDisplayed(55) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_24 Function Fragment_24() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveDisplayed(80) SetObjectiveDisplayed(90) kmyQuest.PrepareEnde2() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_22 Function Fragment_22() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(70) ;hier ist Ende 1 ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_23 Function Fragment_23() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.MirellAttacksPlayer() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_41 Function Fragment_41() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE kmyQuest.GivePlayerBelohnung() kmyQuest.DayTimer() SetObjectiveDisplayed(65) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_12 Function Fragment_12() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectivecompleted(20) SetObjectiveDisplayed(30) Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(_00E_FS_NQ05_CraftPotionPerk) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_2 Function Fragment_2() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_33 Function Fragment_33() ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(55) SetObjectiveDisplayed(60) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_20 Function Fragment_20() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions Quest __temp = self as Quest _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions kmyQuest = __temp as _00E_FS_NQ05_Functions ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE SetObjectiveCompleted(65) SetObjectiveDisplayed(70) kmyQuest.PrepareEnde1() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment GlobalVariable Property _00E_AchievementsEnabled Auto Perk Property _00E_FS_NQ05_CraftPotionPerk Auto