Scriptname _00E_FS_FortifySummonsSC extends activemagiceffect Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Perk Property _00E_FS_PhasmalistEnchantment Auto Actor Target Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Target = akTarget If Target If PlayerREF == None PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() EndIf If _00E_FS_PhasmalistEnchantment == None _00E_FS_PhasmalistEnchantment = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102F5A1, "Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm") as Perk EndIf AdjustValues(True) RegisterForSingleUpdate(3) EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdate() AdjustValues(False) RegisterForSingleUpdate(3) EndEvent Function AdjustValues(Bool bForceEnchantmentStrength) Float fNewModifier = PlayerREF.GetAV("FavorPointsBonus") / 100.0 Float fOldModifier = Target.GetAV("FavorPointsBonus") / 100.0 If (fNewModifier != fOldModifier) || bForceEnchantmentStrength _00E_FS_PhasmalistEnchantment.SetNthEntryValue(0, 0, 1.0 + fNewModifier) EndIf If fNewModifier == fOldModifier Return ; Nothing changed EndIf Float fMaxHealth = GetTargetMaxValue("Health") Float fMaxMagicka = GetTargetMaxValue("Magicka") If fMaxHealth < 0.0 || fMaxMagicka < 0.0 Return ; Bad current health or magicka to deal with, wait for better ones EndIf Target.SetAV("FavorPointsBonus", fNewModifier * 100.0) Target.ModAV("AttackDamageMult", fNewModifier - fOldModifier) AdjustTargetMainValue("Health", "FavorsPerDay", fMaxHealth, fNewModifier) AdjustTargetMainValue("Magicka", "FavorsPerDayTimer", fMaxMagicka, fNewModifier) EndFunction Float Function GetTargetMaxValue(String sValueName) Float fValue = Target.GetAV(sValueName) Float fPercentage = Target.GetActorValuePercentage(sValueName) If fValue > 0.0 && fPercentage > 0.0 Return Math.Ceiling(fValue / fPercentage) Else Return -1.0 ; We are dealing with bad numbers, nothing good would come out of (fValue / fPercentage) EndIf EndFunction Float Function AdjustTargetMainValue(String sValueName, String sStoreValueName, Float fMaxValue, Float fNewModifier) Float fNewBuff = Math.Floor(fMaxValue * fNewModifier) Float fOldBuff = Target.GetAV(sStoreValueName) If fNewBuff != fOldBuff Target.ModAV(sValueName, fNewBuff - fOldBuff) Target.SetAV(sStoreValueName, fNewBuff) EndIf EndFunction