ScriptName _00E_DothulgradPuzzle2Script Extends ObjectReference MiscObject Property energyCrystal Auto ObjectReference Property crystalObject Auto ObjectReference Property light1 Auto ObjectReference Property light2 Auto ObjectReference Property lever Auto ObjectReference Property altar Auto Message Property lackTheItem Auto Float count = 1.0 Bool doOnce = True Event OnActivate(ObjectReference ref) if(ref == Game.GetPlayer()) if(ref.GetItemCount(energyCrystal) !=0 && doOnce == True) ref.RemoveItem(energyCrystal) ;enable lights light1.enable() light2.enable() ;enable crystalobject crystalObject.enable() ;activate trapdoor lever.activate(ref) ;rotate altar ;this is just a small test if this method works ;must be reworked with proper iteration while count < 30 Debug.Notification("i run " + count) altar.SetAngle(0.0, 0.0, count) count += 1 EndWhile ;make sure it only fires once doOnce = False ;if player doesn't have an energycrystal ElseIf(doOnce == True) EndIf EndIf EndEvent