Scriptname _00E_EPUpdateFunctions extends Actor import Math int MapMarkersDiscoveredCounter = 0 int LocksPickedCounter = 0 int ItemsPickpocketedCounter = 0 int ItemsStolenCounter = 0 int PotionsMixedCounter = 0 int PoisonsMixedCounter = 0 int ArmorMadeCounter = 0 int WeaponsMadeCounter = 0 int SoulsTrappedCounter = 0 int MagicItemsMadeCounter = 0 int IntimidationsCounter = 0 int QuestsCompletedCounter = 0 ;===================================================================================== ; EVENTS ;===================================================================================== Event OnInit() if Self == Player GoToState("RealPlayer") (Player as _00E_PlayerFunctions).InitCombatMusic() RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.0) Endif EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() If self == Player ; A check just in case. Most likely this condition is always True If GetState() != "RealPlayer" ; Post- version update GoToState("RealPlayer") EndIf UpdateLevelUpSystem() ; Failsafe and version update (Player as _00E_PlayerFunctions).InitCombatMusic() ; Version update from or earlier UnregisterForUpdate() RegisterForSingleUpdate(3.5) EndIf EndEvent State RealPlayer Event OnUpdate() Int delta delta = Game.QueryStat("Locations Discovered") - MapMarkersDiscoveredCounter If delta > 0 MapMarkersDiscoveredCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_Discovery.Show() receiveEP(40 * delta) If MapMarkersDiscoveredCounter >= 50 && !bMapMarkersAchievementUnlocked && _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 bMapMarkersAchievementUnlocked = True Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_LOCATIONS_01") EndIf EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Locks Picked") - LocksPickedCounter If delta > 0 LocksPickedCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_LockPicked.Show() receiveEP(15 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Potions Mixed") - PotionsMixedCounter If delta > 0 PotionsMixedCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_PotionMixed.Show() receiveEP(3 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Poisons Mixed") - PoisonsMixedCounter If delta > 0 PoisonsMixedCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_PoisonMixed.Show() receiveEP(3 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Armor Made") - ArmorMadeCounter If delta > 0 ArmorMadeCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_ArmorMade.Show() receiveEP(20 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Weapons Made") - WeaponsMadeCounter If delta > 0 WeaponsMadeCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_WeaponsMade.Show() receiveEP(20 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Souls Trapped") + SoulsCaught.GetValueInt() - SoulsTrappedCounter If delta > 0 SoulsTrappedCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_SoulCaptured.Show() receiveEP(10 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Magic Items Made") - MagicItemsMadeCounter if delta > 0 MagicItemsMadeCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_MagicItemMade.Show() receiveEP(30 * delta) EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Intimidations") - IntimidationsCounter If delta > 0 IntimidationsCounter += delta _00E_Player_sEPGained_Intimidations.Show() receiveEP(50 * delta) EndIf if ShowEXPMessage == False && PlayerEXP.GetValue() >= 120 && (_00E_DisableQuestTutorials.GetValueInt() == 0) ShowEXPMessage = true Message.ResetHelpMessage("Empty") _00E_Tutorial_EPSystem.ShowAsHelpMessage("Empty", 4.0, 3.0, 1) EndIf If _00E_OreVeinsMined.GetValueInt() >= 50 && !bOreAchievementUnlocked && _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 bOreAchievementUnlocked = true Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_ORE_01") EndIf delta = Game.QueryStat("Quests Completed") - QuestsCompletedCounter if delta > 0 QuestsCompletedCounter += delta If QuestsCompletedCounter >= 50 && !bDoneQuestCompleted && _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 bDoneQuestCompleted = true Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_QUESTS_01") EndIf EndIf If _00E_RhetorikCounter.GetValueInt() >= 15 && !bRhetoricAchievementUnlocked && _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 bRhetoricAchievementUnlocked = true Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_RHETORIC_01") EndIf ; Arcane fever management Int iArcaneFever = -1*(Player.GetActorValue("LastFlattered")) as Int If iArcaneFever >= 100 && isdead == False isdead = True Player.Kill() _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Death.Show() If _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 && !bDoneArcanistsFever bDoneArcanistsFever = true Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_ARCANISTS_FEVER_01") EndIf EndIf If isdead == False If iArcaneFever >= 90 iArcaneFeverWarnCounter -= 1 If iArcaneFeverWarnCounter <= 0 iArcaneFeverWarnCounter = 20 Message.ResetHelpMessage("Empty") _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Critical.ShowAsHelpMessage("Empty", 5, 1, 1) EndIf Else ; iArcaneFever < 90 iArcaneFeverWarnCounter = 0 ; Reset EndIf If iArcaneFever >= 40 If Player.HasSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber40) == False Player.AddSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber40,0) Message.ResetHelpMessage("Empty") _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Worsen.ShowAsHelpMessage("Empty", 3, 1, 1) EndIf Else ; iArcaneFever < 40 If Player.HasSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber40) Player.RemoveSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber40) _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Cure.Show() EndIf EndIf If iArcaneFever >= 70 If Player.HasSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber70) == False Player.AddSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber70,0) Message.ResetHelpMessage("Empty") _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Worsen.ShowAsHelpMessage("Empty", 4, 1, 1) EndIf Else ; iArcaneFever < 70 If Player.HasSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber70) Player.RemoveSpell(_00E_Arkanistenfieber70) _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Cure.Show() EndIf EndIf EndIf ; Level up If iLevelUpsNeeded > 0 ; Level up if not in combat, not in dialogue, activate controls enabled (not in a scene?) and, obviously, not dead While !IsInCombat() && UI.IsMenuOpen("Dialogue Menu") == False && Game.IsActivateControlsEnabled() && !Player.IsDead() && (isdead == False) && (iLevelUpsNeeded > 0) levelUp() EndWhile EndIf If bShowHeroMenuHelpBox && (_00E_DisableMenuTutorials.GetValueInt() == 0) bShowHeroMenuHelpBox = False Message.ResetHelpMessage("Empty") _00E_Tutorial_HeroMenue.ShowAsHelpMessage("Empty", 7, 30, 1) EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(3.5) ; seems like a decent value EndEvent Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) if Player.IsInCombat() _00E_Player_sIdiot.Show() receiveEP(1000) EndIf EndEvent EndState Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) ; Papyrus compiler demands this event to be defined in the empty state EndEvent ;===================================================================================== ; LEVELSYSTEM FUNCTIONS ;===================================================================================== Int iLevelUpsNeeded = 0 Bool _bLevelUpSystemLocked = False Function _LockLevelUpSystem() While _bLevelUpSystemLocked Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) EndWhile _bLevelUpSystemLocked = True EndFunction Function _UnlockLevelUpSystem() _bLevelUpSystemLocked = False EndFunction Function UpdateLevelUpSystem() _LockLevelUpSystem() iLevelUpsNeeded = getLevelUpCount() _UnlockLevelUpSystem() EndFunction function levelUp() {Opens a menu allowing the player to choose which attribute he/she wants to increase; sets all attributes (talentPoints, Lernpunkte, Handwerkspunkte,...)} _LockLevelUpSystem() PlayerLevel.Mod(1) iLevelUpsNeeded = getLevelUpCount() _UnlockLevelUpSystem() if UILevelUp UILevelUp.Play(Player) elseif _00E_Track_Success _00E_Track_Success.Add() Endif Utility.Wait(1) ;added a Wait() between the audio cue and the level up prompt to give the player an early warning about the incoming message box int iMessage =,Player.GetBaseActorValue("Health"), Player.GetBaseActorValue("Magicka"), Player.GetBaseActorValue("Stamina")) Game.SetPlayerLevel(PlayerLevel.GetValueInt()) TalentPoints.Mod(1) Player.SetActorValue("dragonsouls", TalentPoints.GetValueInt()) Lernpunkte.Mod(5) Handwerkspunkte.Mod(4) if iMessage == 0 Player.SetActorValue("Health", Player.GetBaseActorValue("Health")+9) elseif iMessage == 1 Player.SetActorValue("Magicka", Player.GetBaseActorValue("Magicka")+8) elseif iMessage == 2 Player.SetActorValue("Stamina", Player.GetBaseActorValue("Stamina")+11) endif Int iPlayerLevel = PlayerLevel.GetValueInt() If iPlayerLevel >= 2 && iPlayerLevel <= 5 bShowHeroMenuHelpBox = True EndIf Endfunction bool function receiveEP(int amount) {Adds the given amount of EP to the player and displays it as notification} _LockLevelUpSystem() PlayerExp.Mod(amount) Int iLevelUpCount = getLevelUpCount() iLevelUpsNeeded = iLevelUpCount _UnlockLevelUpSystem() PlayerNeededExp.SetValue(ComputeNeededExp((PlayerLevel.GetValueInt()+iLevelUpCount), EXPMultSlope.GetValue(), EXPMult.GetValue())) int iNeededExpNextLevel = (PlayerNeededExp.GetValueInt()-PlayerExp.GetValueInt()) _00E_sEPNeeded.Show(amount, iNeededExpNextLevel) return true Endfunction int function getLevelUpCount() {Calculates how many level ups the player should receive based on his current ep count, changes none of the global variables} int iCurrentExp = PlayerExp.GetValueInt() int iCurrentLevel = PlayerLevel.GetValueInt() bool LevelCheckRequired = true int iLevelUpsAchieved = 0 float NeededExp While LevelCheckRequired LevelCheckRequired = false NeededExp = ComputeNeededExp(iCurrentLevel, EXPMultSlope.GetValue(), EXPMult.GetValue()) if iCurrentExp >= NeededExp LevelCheckRequired = true iLevelUpsAchieved += 1 iCurrentLevel += 1 endif Endwhile return iLevelUpsAchieved EndFunction float Function ComputeNeededExp(int CurrentLevel, float Slope, float Mult) {Computes the total Experience (EP) needed by the player to reach the level CurrentLevel + 1. This includes the experience needed for the previous level.} ; commented out as it is useless upon the Steam releases ; GlobalVariable _00E_FS_IsForgottenStoriesActivated = Game.GetForm(0x0004320E) as GlobalVariable ; If _00E_FS_IsForgottenStoriesActivated.GetValueInt() == 0 ; Pre-DLC formula: ; return pow(CurrentLevel, Slope) * Mult ; EndIf ; This can be used as a quick way to scale the leveling process ; for all levels: float fExpAcc = 1.0 float fExpAcc_Level20 = 1.2 float fExpAcc_Level30 = 1.5 float fExpAcc_Level40 = 2.0 Mult *= fExpAcc If CurrentLevel <= 20 ; no changes to the old formula until level 20. return pow(CurrentLevel, Slope) * Mult Else ; no changes to the old formula for the first 20 levels. float result = pow(20, Slope) * Mult ; Progressive taxation: if CurrentLevel <= 30 result += (pow(CurrentLevel, Slope) - pow(20, Slope)) * Mult * fExpAcc_Level20 return result elseif CurrentLevel <= 40 result += (pow(30, Slope) - pow(20, Slope)) * Mult * fExpAcc_Level20 result += (pow(CurrentLevel, Slope) - pow(30, Slope)) * Mult * fExpAcc_Level30 return result else result += (pow(30, Slope) - pow(20, Slope)) * Mult * fExpAcc_Level20 result += (pow(40, Slope) - pow(30, Slope)) * Mult * fExpAcc_Level30 result += (pow(CurrentLevel, Slope) - pow(40, Slope)) * Mult * fExpAcc_Level40 return result endif EndIf EndFunction ; A debugging function: ;function DumpLevelCurve() ;{Dump a table of required EP for each level from 0 to 100 to the Papyrus log} ; string aua = "" ; int iIndex = 0 ; while iIndex < 100 ; aua += "To get to level " + (iIndex + 1) + ", you need " + ComputeNeededExp(iIndex, EXPMultSlope.GetValue(), EXPMult.GetValue()) + "EP. \n " ; iIndex += 1 ; endwhile ; Debug.Trace(aua) ;Endfunction ;===================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ;===================================================================================== Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_WeaponsMade Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_SoulCaptured Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_PotionMixed Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_PoisonMixed Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_MagicItemMade Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_ArmorMade Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_LockPicked Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_Intimidations Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sEPGained_Discovery Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Worsen Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Death Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Critical Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sArcaneFever_Cure Auto Message Property _00E_Player_sIdiot Auto Message Property _00E_sEPNeeded Auto Message Property _00E_Levelup Auto Message Property _00E_Tutorial_EPSystem Auto Message Property _00E_Tutorial_HeroMenue Auto Actor Property Player Auto Spell Property _00E_Arkanistenfieber40 Auto Spell Property _00E_Arkanistenfieber70 Auto GlobalVariable Property PlayerExp auto GlobalVariable Property PlayerLevel auto GlobalVariable Property PlayerNeededExp auto GlobalVariable Property Handwerkspunkte auto GlobalVariable Property Lernpunkte auto GlobalVariable Property EXPMult auto GlobalVariable Property EXPMultSlope auto GlobalVariable Property SoulsCaught Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_DisableMenuTutorials Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_DisableQuestTutorials Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_AchievementsEnabled Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_OreVeinsMined Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_RhetorikCounter Auto GlobalVariable Property TalentPoints Auto MusicType Property _00E_Track_Success Auto Sound Property UILevelUp Auto bool isdead Bool ShowEXPMessage bool bShowHeroMenuHelpBox = false bool bDoneQuestCompleted = false bool bDoneArcanistsFever = false bool bOreAchievementUnlocked = false bool bRhetoricAchievementUnlocked = false bool bMapMarkersAchievementUnlocked = false Int iArcaneFeverWarnCounter = 0