#include "CreatePotion.h" #include "skse64\GameObjects.h" #include "skse64\GameData.h" #include <string> namespace CreatePotion { AlchemyItem * createPotion(StaticFunctionTag * tag, VMArray<EffectSetting*> effects, VMArray<float> magnitudes, VMArray<UInt32> areas, VMArray<UInt32> durations, UInt32 arraySize) { AlchemyItem * result = NULL; if (effects.Length() >= arraySize && magnitudes.Length() >= arraySize && areas.Length() >= arraySize && durations.Length() >= arraySize) { tArray<MagicItem::EffectItem> effectItems; effectItems.Allocate(arraySize); UInt32 count = 0; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) { EffectSetting * magicEffect = NULL; effects.Get(&magicEffect, i); if (magicEffect) { // Only add effects that actually exist magnitudes.Get(&effectItems[count].magnitude, i); areas.Get(&effectItems[count].area, i); durations.Get(&effectItems[count].duration, i); effectItems[count].mgef = magicEffect; ++count; } } effectItems.count = count; // Set count to existing count CALL_MEMBER_FN(PersistentFormManager::GetSingleton(), CreatePotion)(&result, &effectItems); Heap_Free(effectItems.entries); } else { _MESSAGE("Illegal arrays for creating a potion"); } return result; } typedef AlchemyItem*(*CreatePotionType)(StaticFunctionTag * tag, VMArray<EffectSetting*> effects, VMArray<float> magnitudes, VMArray<UInt32> areas, VMArray<UInt32> durations); bool RegisterFuncs(VMClassRegistry* registry) { registry->RegisterFunction( new NativeFunction5<StaticFunctionTag, AlchemyItem *, VMArray<EffectSetting*>, VMArray<float>, VMArray<UInt32>, VMArray<UInt32>, UInt32>("CreatePotion", "EnderalLib", CreatePotion::createPotion, registry)); return true; } }