Scriptname DLC2SoulStealScript extends Quest conditional {Script attached to DLC2SoulSteal quest} ReferenceAlias Property Player auto ReferenceAlias Property Miraak auto ReferenceAlias Property Dragon auto Scene Property DLC2SoulStealScene auto Message Property DLC2SoulStealMsg auto MQKillDragonScript Property MQKillDragon auto quest property DLC2MQ02 auto quest Property DLC2MQ06 auto MQGreybeardAbsorbScript property MQ105 auto bool Property TestMiraak auto ;if true, then ShouldMiraakAppear() always returns true {If true, he always appears when player kills a dragon} GlobalVariable Property DLC2SoulStealCount auto ;if miraak steals soul this goes up one, goes back down if player takes it back bool fightPlayer conditional ;while this is true he will fight the player before disappearing, when this is false, he will disappear when done straling soul bool MiraakStoleSoul conditional ;scene got to the point where Miraak started to steal the soul int secondsBeforeGivingUp = 120 ;houw many seconds until we give up if Miraak hasn't started absorbing the soul bool apprearedOnce WordOfPower Property DLC2BendToWillWord1 auto bool MiraakMadeHisIntroduction quest property DLC2MQ01 auto quest Property MQ104 auto Faction Property MQNoDragonAbsorb auto ; for Greybeard effect VisualEffect Property FXGreybeardAbsorbEffect Auto EffectShader Property GreybeardPowerAbsorbFXS Auto EffectShader Property GreybeardPlayerPowerAbsorbFXS Auto sound property NPCDragonDeathSequenceWind auto sound property NPCDragonDeathSequenceExplosion auto Event OnUpdate() ; Debug.Trace(self + "OnUpdate()") if MiraakStoleSoul == false DLC2SoulStealScene.Stop() endif EndEvent Function StartTimer() ; Debug.Trace(self + "StartTimer()") RegisterForSingleUpdate(secondsBeforeGivingUp) EndFunction Function EndTimer() unregisterForUpdate() ; Debug.Trace(self + "EndTimer()") EndFunction bool Function TryMiraakMakeHisIntroduction(Actor DragonRef) bool returnVar = false ; Debug.Trace(self + "TryMiraakMakeHisIntroduction() -- ALWAYS RETURNS FALSE NOW") ; if MiraakMadeHisIntroduction == false && MQ104.GetStage() >=150 && Game.GetPlayer().IsInCombat() == false && DragonRef.isInFaction(MQNoDragonAbsorb) == false ; MiraakMadeHisIntroduction = true ; returnVar = true ; Debug.Trace(self + "TryMiraakMakeHisIntroduction() Miraak is going to make his introductory appearance, calling setStage 0 on DLC2MQ01") ; DLC2MQ01.SetStage(0) ; endif ; ; Debug.Trace(self + "TryMiraakMakeHisIntroduction() returning: " + returnVar) RETURN returnVar EndFunction bool Function ShouldMiraakAppear(Actor DragonRef) ; Debug.Trace(self + "ShouldMiraakAppear() checking quest stages and other logic") bool returnVar = false int chanceToAppear = 25 if DLC2MQ02.GetStage() >= 200 && DLC2MQ06.GetStage() < 500 && DragonRef.isInFaction(MQNoDragonAbsorb) == false if Game.IsWordUnlocked(DLC2BendToWillWord1) || Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("DragonSouls") > 0 if Utility.RandomInt(1,100) <= chanceToAppear || apprearedOnce == false apprearedOnce = true returnVar = true endif endif endif if TestMiraak == true ; Debug.Trace(self + "ShouldMiraakAppear() -- TestMiraak == true, so forcing returnVar to true") returnVar = true endif ; Debug.Trace(self + "ShouldMiraakAppear() returning: " + returnVar) return returnVar EndFunction Function MiraakAppears(ObjectReference DragonRef) ; Debug.Trace(self + "MiraakAppears()" + DragonRef) Dragon.ForceRefTo(DragonRef) DLC2MiraakScript MiraakRef = Miraak.GetReference() as DLC2MiraakScript MiraakRef.AppearAtRef = DragonRef MiraakRef.Appear() MiraakRef.SetNoBleedoutRecovery(true) ;clear tracking variables from previous incarnations fightPlayer = false MiraakStoleSoul = false ;START THE "TIMER" StartTimer() DLC2SoulStealScene.start() EndFunction Function MiraakDisappears() ; Debug.Trace(self + "MiraakDisappears()") DLC2MiraakScript MiraakRef = Miraak.GetReference() as DLC2MiraakScript MiraakRef.Disappear() MiraakRef.SetNoBleedoutRecovery(false) MiraakRef.RestoreAV("Health", 999999999) ;if Miraak disappears before he stole the soul, put the dragon back in the state that lets the player steal it's soul if MiraakStoleSoul == false (Dragon.GetActorReference() as DragonActorScript).gotoState("deadAndWaiting") endif EndFunction Function StealSoul() EndTimer() ; Debug.Trace(self + "StealSoul()") MiraakStoleSoul = true ModDLC2SoulStealCount(1) MQKillDragon.DeathSequence(Dragon.GetActorReference(), Miraak.GetActorReference()) EndFunction Function FinishStealingSoul() ; Debug.Trace(self + "FinishStealingSoul()") EndFunction Function PlayerAttackedMiraak() EndTimer() ; Debug.Trace(self + "PlayerAttackedMiraak()") fightPlayer = true EndFunction Function PlayerTakesSoulBack() ; Debug.Trace(self + "PlayerTakesSoulBack()") utility.wait(1) AbsorbSoulFromMiraak(Miraak.GetActorReference()) Game.GetPlayer().modActorValue("dragonsouls", 1) ModDLC2SoulStealCount(-1) EndFunction Function ModDLC2SoulStealCount(int amountToMod) ; Debug.Trace(self + "ModDLC2SoulStealCount()") DLC2SoulStealCount.setValue(DLC2SoulStealCount.GetValue() + amountToMod) EndFunction Function MiraakDetached() ; Debug.Trace(self + "MiraakDetached()") if DLC2SoulStealScene.IsPlaying() ; Debug.Trace(self + "MiraakDetached() DLC2SoulStealScene is playing, calling stop()") DLC2SoulStealScene.Stop() endif EndFunction ;CRIBBED FROM MQGreybeardAbsorbScript "AbsorbSoul()" function AbsorbSoulFromMiraak(Actor target) ; Debug.Trace(self + "AbsorbSoulFromMiraak()") Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() ;Play art and fx shaders on player and targeted grybeard FXGreybeardAbsorbEffect.Play(target, 7, PlayerRef) GreybeardPowerAbsorbFXS.Play(target) GreybeardPlayerPowerAbsorbFXS.Play(PlayerRef) ; Sounds for when the wispy particles being to fly at the player. utility.wait(7) ;remove magic shaders GreybeardPowerAbsorbFXS.Stop(target) GreybeardPlayerPowerAbsorbFXS.Stop(PlayerRef) EndFunction