scriptname SKI_ConfigManager extends SKI_QuestBase hidden ; SCRIPT VERSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; History ; ; 1: - Initial version ; ; 2: - Added lock for API functions ; ; 3: - Removed lock again until I have time to test it properly ; ; 4: - Added redundancy for registration process int function GetVersion() return 4 endFunction ; CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string property JOURNAL_MENU = "Journal Menu" autoReadonly string property MENU_ROOT = "_root.ConfigPanelFader.configPanel" autoReadonly ; PRIVATE VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Version 1 -- SKI_ConfigBase[] _modConfigs string[] _modNames int _curConfigID = 0 int _configCount = 0 SKI_ConfigBase _activeConfig ; -- Version 2 -- ; keep those for now bool _lockInit = false bool _locked = false ; -- Version 4 -- bool _cleanupFlag = false int _addCounter = 0 int _updateCounter = 0 ; INITIALIZATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- event OnInit() _modConfigs = new SKI_ConfigBase[128] _modNames = new string[128] OnGameReload() endEvent ; @implements SKI_QuestBase event OnGameReload() RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_modSelected", "OnModSelect") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_pageSelected", "OnPageSelect") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_optionHighlighted", "OnOptionHighlight") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_optionSelected", "OnOptionSelect") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_optionDefaulted", "OnOptionDefault") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_keymapChanged", "OnKeymapChange") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_sliderSelected", "OnSliderSelect") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_sliderAccepted", "OnSliderAccept") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_menuSelected", "OnMenuSelect") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_menuAccepted", "OnMenuAccept") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_colorSelected", "OnColorSelect") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_colorAccepted", "OnColorAccept") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_dialogCanceled", "OnDialogCancel") RegisterForMenu(JOURNAL_MENU) ; no longer used but better safe than sorry _lockInit = true _cleanupFlag = true CleanUp() SendModEvent("SKICP_configManagerReady") _updateCounter = 0 RegisterForSingleUpdate(5) endEvent ; EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ event OnUpdate() if (_cleanupFlag) CleanUp() endIf if (_addCounter > 0) Debug.Notification("MCM: Registered " + _addCounter + " new menu(s).") _addCounter = 0 endIf SendModEvent("SKICP_configManagerReady") if (_updateCounter < 6) _updateCounter += 1 RegisterForSingleUpdate(5) else RegisterForSingleUpdate(30) endIf endEvent event OnMenuOpen(string a_menuName) GotoState("BUSY") _activeConfig = none UI.InvokeStringA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setModNames", _modNames); endEvent event OnMenuClose(string a_menuName) GotoState("") if (_activeConfig) _activeConfig.CloseConfig() endIf _activeConfig = none endEvent event OnModSelect(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int configIndex = a_numArg as int if (configIndex > -1) ; We can clean the buffers of the previous menu now if (_activeConfig) _activeConfig.CloseConfig() endIf _activeConfig = _modConfigs[configIndex] _activeConfig.OpenConfig() endIf UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnPageSelect(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) string page = a_strArg int index = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.SetPage(page, index) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnOptionHighlight(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.HighlightOption(optionIndex) endEvent event OnOptionSelect(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.SelectOption(optionIndex) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnOptionDefault(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.ResetOption(optionIndex) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnKeymapChange(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int int keyCode = UI.GetInt(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".selectedKeyCode") ; First test vanilla controls string conflictControl = Input.GetMappedControl(keyCode) string conflictName = "" ; Then test mod controls int i = 0 while (conflictControl == "" && i < _modConfigs.length) if (_modConfigs[i] != none) conflictControl = _modConfigs[i].GetCustomControl(keyCode) if (conflictControl != "") conflictName = _modNames[i] endIf endIf i += 1 endWhile _activeConfig.RemapKey(optionIndex, keyCode, conflictControl, conflictName) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnSliderSelect(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.RequestSliderDialogData(optionIndex) endEvent event OnSliderAccept(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) float value = a_numArg _activeConfig.SetSliderValue(value) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnMenuSelect(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.RequestMenuDialogData(optionIndex) endEvent event OnMenuAccept(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int value = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.SetMenuIndex(value) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnColorSelect(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int optionIndex = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.RequestColorDialogData(optionIndex) endEvent event OnColorAccept(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) int color = a_numArg as int _activeConfig.SetColorValue(color) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent event OnDialogCancel(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) UI.InvokeBool(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unlock", true) endEvent ; FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; @interface int function RegisterMod(SKI_ConfigBase a_menu, string a_modName) GotoState("BUSY") ;Log("Registering config menu: " + a_menu + "(" + a_modName + ")") if (_configCount >= 128) GotoState("") return -1 endIf ; Already registered? int i = 0 while (i < _modConfigs.length) if (_modConfigs[i] == a_menu) GotoState("") return i endIf i += 1 endWhile ; New registration int configID = NextID() if (configID == -1) GotoState("") return -1 endIf _modConfigs[configID] = a_menu _modNames[configID] = a_modName _configCount += 1 ; Track mods added in the current cycle so we don't have to display one message per mod _addCounter += 1 GotoState("") return configID endFunction ; @interface int function UnregisterMod(SKI_ConfigBase a_menu) GotoState("BUSY") ;Log("Unregistering config menu: " + a_menu) int i = 0 while (i < _modConfigs.length) if (_modConfigs[i] == a_menu) _modConfigs[i] = none _modNames[i] = "" _configCount -= 1 GotoState("") return i endIf i += 1 endWhile GotoState("") return -1 endFunction ; @interface function ForceReset() Log("Forcing config manager reset...") SendModEvent("SKICP_configManagerReset") GotoState("BUSY") int i = 0 while (i < _modConfigs.length) _modConfigs[i] = none _modNames[i] = "" i += 1 endWhile _curConfigID = 0 _configCount = 0 GotoState("") SendModEvent("SKICP_configManagerReady") endFunction function CleanUp() GotoState("BUSY") _cleanupFlag = false _configCount = 0 int i = 0 while (i < _modConfigs.length) if (_modConfigs[i] == none || _modConfigs[i].GetFormID() == 0) _modConfigs[i] = none _modNames[i] = "" else _configCount += 1 endIf i += 1 endWhile GotoState("") endFunction int function NextID() int startIdx = _curConfigID while (_modConfigs[_curConfigID] != none) _curConfigID += 1 if (_curConfigID >= 128) _curConfigID = 0 endIf if (_curConfigID == startIdx) return -1 ; Just to be sure. endIf endWhile return _curConfigID endFunction function Log(string a_msg) Debug.Trace(self + ": " + a_msg) endFunction ; STATES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state BUSY int function RegisterMod(SKI_ConfigBase a_menu, string a_modName) return -2 endFunction int function UnregisterMod(SKI_ConfigBase a_menu) return -2 endFunction function ForceReset() endFunction function CleanUp() endFunction endState