scriptName defaultPillarPuzzlePullBarNoFurn extends ObjectReference { - This script lives on the lever that controls each of the pillars - Each pillar should have its linkedRef point to the lever that this script is on } import debug import utility bool property puzzleSolved auto hidden bool property doorOpened auto hidden int property numPillarsSolved auto hidden objectReference property puzzleDoorActivator auto {The Parent Activator Dummy Ref for Door} int property pillarCount auto {Number of Puzzle Pillars} objectReference property refActOnSuccess01 auto {This ref is activated when puzzle is solved and lever is pulled} objectReference property refActOnFailure01 auto {This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled} objectReference property refActOnFailure02 auto {This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled} objectReference property refActOnFailure03 auto {This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled} objectReference property refActOnFailure04 auto {This ref is activated when puzzle is not solved and lever is pulled} ;***************************************** Function doorOrDarts() ;if the puzzle is solved, activate the refActonSuccess01 ;else if the puzzle is not solved, activate the refActOnFailures (the dart traps ;in the case of BleakFallsBarrow01) ;wait(6) if (numPillarsSolved == PillarCount) puzzleSolved = true refActOnSuccess01.activate(puzzleDoorActivator) int openState = refActOnSuccess01.getOpenState() if (openState == 1 || openState == 2) doorOpened = true else doorOpened = false endif else puzzleSolved = false refActOnFailure01.activate (self as objectReference) refActOnFailure02.activate (self as objectReference) refActOnFailure03.activate (self as objectReference) refActOnFailure04.activate (self as objectReference) endif endFunction ;***************************************** Auto STATE Waiting EVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor gotoState("busy") ;notification("just activated lever") doorOrDarts() playAnimationandWait("Pull","Reset") gotoState("Waiting") endEVENT endState ;***************************************** STATE busy ; This is the state when I'm busy animating EVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) ;do nothing endEVENT endState ;*****************************************