scriptname SKI_ConfigBase extends SKI_QuestBase ; CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string property JOURNAL_MENU = "Journal Menu" autoReadonly string property MENU_ROOT = "_root.ConfigPanelFader.configPanel" autoReadonly int property STATE_DEFAULT = 0 autoReadonly int property STATE_RESET = 1 autoReadonly int property STATE_SLIDER = 2 autoReadonly int property STATE_MENU = 3 autoReadonly int property STATE_COLOR = 4 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_EMPTY = 0x00 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_HEADER = 0x01 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_TEXT = 0x02 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_TOGGLE = 0x03 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER = 0x04 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_MENU = 0x05 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_COLOR = 0x06 autoReadonly int property OPTION_TYPE_KEYMAP = 0x07 autoReadonly int property OPTION_FLAG_NONE = 0x00 autoReadonly int property OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED = 0x01 autoReadonly int property OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN = 0x02 autoReadonly int property OPTION_FLAG_WITH_UNMAP = 0x04 autoReadonly int property LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 autoReadonly int property TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 2 autoReadonly ; PRIVATE VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKI_ConfigManager _configManager bool _initialized = false int _configID = -1 string _currentPage = "" int _currentPageNum = 0 ; 0 for "", real pages start at 1 ; Keep track of what we're doing at the moment for stupidity checks int _state = 0 int _cursorPosition = 0 int _cursorFillMode = 1 ;LEFT_TO_RIGHT ; Local buffers int[] _optionFlagsBuf ; byte 1 type, byte 2 flags string[] _textBuf string[] _strValueBuf float[] _numValueBuf float[] _sliderParams int[] _menuParams int[] _colorParams int _activeOption = -1 string _infoText bool _messageResult = false bool _waitForMessage = false string[] _stateOptionMap ; PROPERTIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string property ModName auto string[] property Pages auto string property CurrentPage string function get() return _currentPage endFunction endProperty ; INITIALIZATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- event OnInit() OnGameReload() endEvent ; @implements SKI_QuestBase event OnGameReload() if (!_initialized) _initialized = true ; Buffer alloc/free on config open/close ;_optionFlagsBuf = new int[128] ;_textBuf = new string[128] ;_strValueBuf = new string[128] ;_numValueBuf = new float[128] ; 0 startValue ; 1 defaultValue ; 2 minValue ; 3 maxValue ; 4 interval _sliderParams = new float[5] ; 0 startIndex ; 1 defaultIndex _menuParams = new int[2] ; 0 currentColor ; 1 defaultColor _colorParams = new int[2] OnConfigInit() Debug.Trace(self + " INITIALIZED") endIf RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_configManagerReady", "OnConfigManagerReady") RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_configManagerReset", "OnConfigManagerReset") CheckVersion() endEvent ; EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; @interface event OnConfigInit() {Called when this config menu is initialized} endEvent ; @interface event OnConfigRegister() {Called when this config menu registered at the control panel} endEvent ; @interface event OnConfigOpen() {Called when this config menu is opened} endEvent ; @interface event OnConfigClose() {Called when this config menu is closed} endEvent ; @interface(SKI_QuestBase) event OnVersionUpdate(int a_version) {Called when a version update of this script has been detected} endEvent ; @interface event OnPageReset(string a_page) {Called when a new page is selected, including the initial empty page} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionHighlight(int a_option) {Called when highlighting an option} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionSelect(int a_option) {Called when a non-interactive option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionDefault(int a_option) {Called when resetting an option to its default value} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionSliderOpen(int a_option) {Called when a slider option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionSliderAccept(int a_option, float a_value) {Called when a new slider value has been accepted} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionMenuOpen(int a_option) {Called when a menu option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionMenuAccept(int a_option, int a_index) {Called when a menu entry has been accepted} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionColorOpen(int a_option) {Called when a color option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionColorAccept(int a_option, int a_color) {Called when a new color has been accepted} endEvent ; @interface event OnOptionKeyMapChange(int a_option, int a_keyCode, string a_conflictControl, string a_conflictName) {Called when a key has been remapped} endEvent ; @interface event OnHighlightST() {Called when highlighting a state option} endEvent ; @interface event OnSelectST() {Called when a non-interactive state option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnDefaultST() {Called when resetting a state option to its default value} endEvent ; @interface event OnSliderOpenST() {Called when a slider state option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnSliderAcceptST(float a_value) {Called when a new slider state value has been accepted} endEvent ; @interface event OnMenuOpenST() {Called when a menu state option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnMenuAcceptST(int a_index) {Called when a menu entry has been accepted for this state option} endEvent ; @interface event OnColorOpenST() {Called when a color state option has been selected} endEvent ; @interface event OnColorAcceptST(int a_color) {Called when a new color has been accepted for this state option} endEvent ; @interface event OnKeyMapChangeST(int a_keyCode, string a_conflictControl, string a_conflictName) {Called when a key has been remapped for this state option} endEvent event OnConfigManagerReset(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) _configManager = none endEvent event OnConfigManagerReady(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) SKI_ConfigManager newManager = a_sender as SKI_ConfigManager ; Already registered? if (_configManager == newManager || newManager == none) return endIf _configID = newManager.RegisterMod(self, ModName) ; Success if (_configID >= 0) _configManager = newManager OnConfigRegister() Debug.Trace(self + ": Registered " + ModName + " at MCM.") endIf endEvent event OnMessageDialogClose(string a_eventName, string a_strArg, float a_numArg, Form a_sender) _messageResult = a_numArg as bool _waitForMessage = false endEvent ; FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; @interface(SKI_QuestBase) int function GetVersion() {Returns version of this script} return 1 endFunction ; @interface string function GetCustomControl(int a_keyCode) {Returns the name of a custom control mapped to given keyCode, or "" if the key is not in use by this config} return "" endFunction ; @interface function ForcePageReset() {Forces a full reset of the current page} UI.Invoke(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".forcePageReset") endFunction ; @interface function SetTitleText(string a_text) UI.InvokeString(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setTitleText", a_text) endFunction ; @interface function SetInfoText(string a_text) _infoText = a_text endFunction ; @interface function SetCursorPosition(int a_position) if (a_position < 128) _cursorPosition = a_position endIf endFunction ; @interface function SetCursorFillMode(int a_fillMode) if (a_fillMode == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || a_fillMode == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) _cursorFillMode = a_fillMode endIf endFunction ; @interface int function AddEmptyOption() return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_EMPTY, none, none, 0, 0) endFunction ; @interface int function AddHeaderOption(string a_text, int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_HEADER, a_text, none, 0, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface int function AddTextOption(string a_text, string a_value, int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_TEXT, a_text, a_value, 0, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface int function AddToggleOption(string a_text, bool a_checked, int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_TOGGLE, a_text, none, a_checked as int, a_flags) endfunction ; @interface int function AddSliderOption(string a_text, float a_value, string a_formatString = "{0}", int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER, a_text, a_formatString, a_value, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface int function AddMenuOption(string a_text, string a_value, int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_MENU, a_text, a_value, 0, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface int function AddColorOption(string a_text, int a_color, int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_COLOR, a_text, none, a_color, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface int function AddKeyMapOption(string a_text, int a_keyCode, int a_flags = 0) return AddOption(OPTION_TYPE_KEYMAP, a_text, none, a_keyCode, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface function AddTextOptionST(string a_stateName, string a_text, string a_value, int a_flags = 0) AddOptionST(a_stateName, OPTION_TYPE_TEXT, a_text, a_value, 0, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface function AddToggleOptionST(string a_stateName, string a_text, bool a_checked, int a_flags = 0) AddOptionST(a_stateName, OPTION_TYPE_TOGGLE, a_text, none, a_checked as int, a_flags) endfunction ; @interface function AddSliderOptionST(string a_stateName, string a_text, float a_value, string a_formatString = "{0}", int a_flags = 0) AddOptionST(a_stateName, OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER, a_text, a_formatString, a_value, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface function AddMenuOptionST(string a_stateName, string a_text, string a_value, int a_flags = 0) AddOptionST(a_stateName, OPTION_TYPE_MENU, a_text, a_value, 0, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface function AddColorOptionST(string a_stateName, string a_text, int a_color, int a_flags = 0) AddOptionST(a_stateName, OPTION_TYPE_COLOR, a_text, none, a_color, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface function AddKeyMapOptionST(string a_stateName, string a_text, int a_keyCode, int a_flags = 0) AddOptionST(a_stateName, OPTION_TYPE_KEYMAP, a_text, none, a_keyCode, a_flags) endFunction ; @interface function LoadCustomContent(string a_source, float a_x = 0.0, float a_y = 0.0) float[] params = new float[2] params[0] = a_x params[1] = a_y UI.InvokeFloatA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setCustomContentParams", params) UI.InvokeString(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".loadCustomContent", a_source) endFunction ; @interface function UnloadCustomContent() UI.Invoke(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".unloadCustomContent") endFunction ; @interface function SetOptionFlags(int a_option, int a_flags, bool a_noUpdate = false) if (_state == STATE_RESET) Error("Cannot set option flags while in OnPageReset(). Pass flags to AddOption instead") return endIf int index = a_option % 0x100 ; Update flags buffer int oldFlags = _optionFlagsBuf[index] as int oldFlags %= 0x100 ; Clear upper bytes, keep type oldFlags += a_flags * 0x100 ; Set new flags ; Update display int[] params = new int[2] params[0] = index params[1] = a_flags UI.InvokeIntA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setOptionFlags", params) if (!a_noUpdate) UI.Invoke(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".invalidateOptionData") endIf endFunction ; @interface function SetTextOptionValue(int a_option, string a_value, bool a_noUpdate = false) int index = a_option % 0x100 int type = _optionFlagsBuf[index] % 0x100 if (type != OPTION_TYPE_TEXT) int pageIdx = ((a_option / 0x100) as int) - 1 if (pageIdx != -1) Error("Option type mismatch. Expected text option, page \"" + Pages[pageIdx] + "\", index " + index) else Error("Option type mismatch. Expected text option, page \"\", index " + index) endIf return endIf SetOptionStrValue(index, a_value, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetToggleOptionValue(int a_option, bool a_checked, bool a_noUpdate = false) int index = a_option % 0x100 int type = _optionFlagsBuf[index] % 0x100 if (type != OPTION_TYPE_TOGGLE) int pageIdx = ((a_option / 0x100) as int) - 1 if (pageIdx != -1) Error("Option type mismatch. Expected toggle option, page \"" + Pages[pageIdx] + "\", index " + index) else Error("Option type mismatch. Expected toggle option, page \"\", index " + index) endIf return endIf SetOptionNumValue(index, a_checked as int, a_noUpdate) endfunction ; @interface function SetSliderOptionValue(int a_option, float a_value, string a_formatString = "{0}", bool a_noUpdate = false) int index = a_option % 0x100 int type = _optionFlagsBuf[index] % 0x100 if (type != OPTION_TYPE_SLIDER) int pageIdx = ((a_option / 0x100) as int) - 1 if (pageIdx != -1) Error("Option type mismatch. Expected slider option, page \"" + Pages[pageIdx] + "\", index " + index) else Error("Option type mismatch. Expected slider option, page \"\", index " + index) endIf return endIf SetOptionValues(index, a_formatString, a_value, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetMenuOptionValue(int a_option, string a_value, bool a_noUpdate = false) int index = a_option % 0x100 int type = _optionFlagsBuf[index] % 0x100 if (type != OPTION_TYPE_MENU) int pageIdx = ((a_option / 0x100) as int) - 1 if (pageIdx != -1) Error("Option type mismatch. Expected menu option, page \"" + Pages[pageIdx] + "\", index " + index) else Error("Option type mismatch. Expected menu option, page \"\", index " + index) endIf return endIf SetOptionStrValue(index, a_value, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetColorOptionValue(int a_option, int a_color, bool a_noUpdate = false) int index = a_option % 0x100 int type = _optionFlagsBuf[index] % 0x100 if (type != OPTION_TYPE_COLOR) int pageIdx = ((a_option / 0x100) as int) - 1 if (pageIdx != -1) Error("Option type mismatch. Expected color option, page \"" + Pages[pageIdx] + "\", index " + index) else Error("Option type mismatch. Expected color option, page \"\", index " + index) endIf return endIf SetOptionNumValue(index, a_color, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetKeyMapOptionValue(int a_option, int a_keyCode, bool a_noUpdate = false) int index = a_option % 0x100 int type = _optionFlagsBuf[index] % 0x100 if (type != OPTION_TYPE_KEYMAP) int pageIdx = ((a_option / 0x100) as int) - 1 if (pageIdx != -1) Error("Option type mismatch. Expected keymap option, page \"" + Pages[pageIdx] + "\", index " + index) else Error("Option type mismatch. Expected keymap option, page \"\", index " + index) endIf return endIf SetOptionNumValue(index, a_keyCode, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetOptionFlagsST(int a_flags, bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") if (_state == STATE_RESET) Error("Cannot set option flags while in OnPageReset(). Pass flags to AddOption instead") return endIf int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetOptionFlagsST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetOptionFlags(index, a_flags, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetTextOptionValueST(string a_value, bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetTextOptionValueST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetTextOptionValue(index, a_value, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetToggleOptionValueST(bool a_checked, bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetToggleOptionValueST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetToggleOptionValue(index, a_checked, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetSliderOptionValueST(float a_value, string a_formatString = "{0}", bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetSliderOptionValueST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetSliderOptionValue(index, a_value, a_formatString, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetMenuOptionValueST(string a_value, bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetMenuOptionValueST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetMenuOptionValue(index, a_value, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetColorOptionValueST(int a_color, bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetColorOptionValueST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetColorOptionValue(index, a_color, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetKeyMapOptionValueST(int a_keyCode, bool a_noUpdate = false, string a_stateName = "") int index = GetStateOptionIndex(a_stateName) if (index < 0) Error("Cannot use SetKeyMapOptionValueST outside a valid option state") return endIf SetKeyMapOptionValue(index, a_keyCode, a_noUpdate) endFunction ; @interface function SetSliderDialogStartValue(float a_value) if (_state != STATE_SLIDER) Error("Cannot set slider dialog params while outside OnOptionSliderOpen()") return endIf _sliderParams[0] = a_value endFunction ; @interface function SetSliderDialogDefaultValue(float a_value) if (_state != STATE_SLIDER) Error("Cannot set slider dialog params while outside OnOptionSliderOpen()") return endIf _sliderParams[1] = a_value endFunction ; @interface function SetSliderDialogRange(float a_minValue, float a_maxValue) if (_state != STATE_SLIDER) Error("Cannot set slider dialog params while outside OnOptionSliderOpen()") return endIf _sliderParams[2] = a_minValue _sliderParams[3] = a_maxValue endFunction ; @interface function SetSliderDialogInterval(float a_value) if (_state != STATE_SLIDER) Error("Cannot set slider dialog params while outside OnOptionSliderOpen()") return endIf _sliderParams[4] = a_value endFunction ; @interface function SetMenuDialogStartIndex(int a_value) if (_state != STATE_MENU) Error("Cannot set menu dialog params while outside OnOptionMenuOpen()") return endIf _menuParams[0] = a_value endFunction ; @interface function SetMenuDialogDefaultIndex(int a_value) if (_state != STATE_MENU) Error("Cannot set menu dialog params while outside OnOptionMenuOpen()") return endIf _menuParams[1] = a_value endFunction ; @interface function SetMenuDialogOptions(string[] a_options) if (_state != STATE_MENU) Error("Cannot set menu dialog params while outside OnOptionMenuOpen()") return endIf UI.InvokeStringA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setMenuDialogOptions", a_options) endFunction ; @interface function SetColorDialogStartColor(int a_color) if (_state != STATE_COLOR) Error("Cannot set color dialog params while outside OnOptionColorOpen()") return endIf _colorParams[0] = a_color endFunction ; @interface function SetColorDialogDefaultColor(int a_color) if (_state != STATE_COLOR) Error("Cannot set color dialog params while outside OnOptionColorOpen()") return endIf _colorParams[1] = a_color endFunction ; @interface bool function ShowMessage(string a_message, bool a_withCancel = true, string a_acceptLabel = "$Accept", string a_cancelLabel = "$Cancel") if (_waitForMessage) Error("Called ShowMessage() while another message was already open") return false endIf _waitForMessage = true _messageResult = false string[] params = new string[3] params[0] = a_message params[1] = a_acceptLabel if (a_withCancel) params[2] = a_cancelLabel else params[2] = "" endIf RegisterForModEvent("SKICP_messageDialogClosed", "OnMessageDialogClose") UI.InvokeStringA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".showMessageDialog", params) ; Wait for result while (_waitForMessage) Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) endWhile UnregisterForModEvent("SKICP_messageDialogClosed") return _messageResult endFunction function Error(string a_msg) Debug.Trace(self + " ERROR: " + a_msg) endFunction function OpenConfig() ; Alloc _optionFlagsBuf = new int[128] _textBuf = new string[128] _strValueBuf = new string[128] _numValueBuf = new float[128] _stateOptionMap = new string[128] SetPage("", -1) OnConfigOpen() UI.InvokeStringA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setPageNames", Pages) endFunction function CloseConfig() OnConfigClose() ClearOptionBuffers() _waitForMessage = false ; Free _optionFlagsBuf = new int[1] _textBuf = new string[1] _strValueBuf = new string[1] _numValueBuf = new float[1] _stateOptionMap = new string[1] endFunction function SetPage(string a_page, int a_index) _currentPage = a_page _currentPageNum = 1+a_index ; Set default title, can be overridden in OnPageReset if (a_page != "") SetTitleText(a_page) else SetTitleText(ModName) endIf ClearOptionBuffers() _state = STATE_RESET OnPageReset(a_page) _state = STATE_DEFAULT WriteOptionBuffers() endFunction int function AddOption(int a_optionType, string a_text, string a_strValue, float a_numValue, int a_flags) if (_state != STATE_RESET) Error("Cannot add option " + a_text + " outside of OnPageReset()") return -1 endIf int pos = _cursorPosition if (pos == -1) return -1 ; invalid endIf _optionFlagsBuf[pos] = a_optionType + a_flags * 0x100 _textBuf[pos] = a_text _strValueBuf[pos] = a_strValue _numValueBuf[pos] = a_numValue ; Just use numerical value of fill mode _cursorPosition += _cursorFillMode if (_cursorPosition >= 128) _cursorPosition = -1 endIf ; byte 1 - position ; byte 2 - page return pos + _currentPageNum * 0x100 endFunction function AddOptionST(string a_stateName, int a_optionType, string a_text, string a_strValue, float a_numValue, int a_flags) if (_stateOptionMap.find(a_stateName) != -1) Error("State option name " + a_stateName + " is already in use") return endIf int index = AddOption(a_optionType, a_text, a_strValue, a_numValue, a_flags) % 0x100 if (index < 0) return endIf if (_stateOptionMap[index] != "") Error("State option index " + index + " already in use") return endIf _stateOptionMap[index] = a_stateName endFunction int function GetStateOptionIndex(string a_stateName) if (a_stateName == "") a_stateName = GetState() endIf if (a_stateName == "") return -1 endIf return _stateOptionMap.find(a_stateName) endFunction function WriteOptionBuffers() string menu = JOURNAL_MENU string root = MENU_ROOT int t = OPTION_TYPE_EMPTY int i = 0 int optionCount = 0; ; Tell UI where to cut off the buffer i = 0 while (i < 128) if (_optionFlagsBuf[i] != t) optionCount = i + 1 endif i += 1 endWhile UI.InvokeIntA(menu, root + ".setOptionFlagsBuffer", _optionFlagsBuf) UI.InvokeStringA(menu, root + ".setOptionTextBuffer", _textBuf) UI.InvokeStringA(menu, root + ".setOptionStrValueBuffer", _strValueBuf) UI.InvokeFloatA(menu, root + ".setOptionNumValueBuffer", _numValueBuf) UI.InvokeInt(menu, root + ".flushOptionBuffers", optionCount) endFunction function ClearOptionBuffers() int t = OPTION_TYPE_EMPTY int i = 0 while (i < 128) _optionFlagsBuf[i] = t _textBuf[i] = "" _strValueBuf[i] = "" _numValueBuf[i] = 0 ; Also clear state map as it's tied to the buffers _stateOptionMap[i] = "" i += 1 endWhile _cursorPosition = 0 _cursorFillMode = LEFT_TO_RIGHT endFunction function SetOptionStrValue(int a_index, string a_strValue, bool a_noUpdate) if (_state == STATE_RESET) Error("Cannot modify option data while in OnPageReset()") return endIf string menu = JOURNAL_MENU string root = MENU_ROOT UI.SetInt(menu, root + ".optionCursorIndex", a_index) UI.SetString(menu, root + ".optionCursor.strValue", a_strValue) if (!a_noUpdate) UI.Invoke(menu, root + ".invalidateOptionData") endIf endFunction function SetOptionNumValue(int a_index, float a_numValue, bool a_noUpdate) if (_state == STATE_RESET) Error("Cannot modify option data while in OnPageReset()") return endIf string menu = JOURNAL_MENU string root = MENU_ROOT UI.SetInt(menu, root + ".optionCursorIndex", a_index) UI.SetFloat(menu, root + ".optionCursor.numValue", a_numValue) if (!a_noUpdate) UI.Invoke(menu, root + ".invalidateOptionData") endIf endFunction function SetOptionValues(int a_index, string a_strValue, float a_numValue, bool a_noUpdate) if (_state == STATE_RESET) Error("Cannot modify option data while in OnPageReset()") return endIf string menu = JOURNAL_MENU string root = MENU_ROOT UI.SetInt(menu, root + ".optionCursorIndex", a_index) UI.SetString(menu, root + ".optionCursor.strValue", a_strValue) UI.SetFloat(menu, root + ".optionCursor.numValue", a_numValue) if (!a_noUpdate) UI.Invoke(menu, root + ".invalidateOptionData") endIf endFunction function RequestSliderDialogData(int a_index) _activeOption = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 ; Defaults _sliderParams[0] = 0 _sliderParams[1] = 0 _sliderParams[2] = 0 _sliderParams[3] = 1 _sliderParams[4] = 1 _state = STATE_SLIDER string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnSliderOpenST() gotoState(oldState) else OnOptionSliderOpen(_activeOption) endIf _state = STATE_DEFAULT UI.InvokeFloatA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setSliderDialogParams", _sliderParams) endFunction function RequestMenuDialogData(int a_index) _activeOption = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 ; Defaults _menuParams[0] = -1 _menuParams[1] = -1 _state = STATE_MENU string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnMenuOpenST() gotoState(oldState) else OnOptionMenuOpen(_activeOption) endIf _state = STATE_DEFAULT UI.InvokeIntA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setMenuDialogParams", _menuParams) endFunction function RequestColorDialogData(int a_index) _activeOption = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 ; Defaults _colorParams[0] = -1 _colorParams[1] = -1 _state = STATE_COLOR string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnColorOpenST() gotoState(oldState) else OnOptionColorOpen(_activeOption) endIf _state = STATE_DEFAULT UI.InvokeIntA(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setColorDialogParams", _colorParams) endFunction function SetSliderValue(float a_value) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[_activeOption % 0x100] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnSliderAcceptST(a_value) gotoState(oldState) else OnOptionSliderAccept(_activeOption, a_value) endIf _activeOption = -1 endFunction function SetMenuIndex(int a_index) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[_activeOption % 0x100] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnMenuAcceptST(a_index) gotoState(oldState) else OnOptionMenuAccept(_activeOption, a_index) endIf _activeOption = -1 endFunction function SetColorValue(int a_color) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[_activeOption % 0x100] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnColorAcceptST(a_color) gotoState(oldState) else OnOptionColorAccept(_activeOption, a_color) endIf _activeOption = -1 endFunction function SelectOption(int a_index) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnSelectST() gotoState(oldState) else int option = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 OnOptionSelect(option) endIf endFunction function ResetOption(int a_index) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnDefaultST() gotoState(oldState) else int option = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 OnOptionDefault(option) endIf endFunction function HighlightOption(int a_index) _infoText = "" if (a_index != -1) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnHighlightST() gotoState(oldState) else int option = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 OnOptionHighlight(option) endIf endIf UI.InvokeString(JOURNAL_MENU, MENU_ROOT + ".setInfoText", _infoText) endFunction function RemapKey(int a_index, int a_keyCode, string a_conflictControl, string a_conflictName) string optionState = _stateOptionMap[a_index] if (optionState != "") string oldState = GetState() gotoState(optionState) OnKeyMapChangeST(a_keyCode, a_conflictControl, a_conflictName) gotoState(oldState) else int option = a_index + _currentPageNum * 0x100 OnOptionKeyMapChange(option, a_keyCode, a_conflictControl, a_conflictName) endIf endFunction