Scriptname _00E_WeatherControlQuestScript extends ReferenceAlias Int iScriptVersion = 0 Int Property LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION = 1 AutoReadOnly Event OnInit() iScriptVersion = LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION iCurrentWeather = WEATHER_NONE EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() If iScriptVersion < LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION iScriptVersion = LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION ; Update procedure iCurrentWeather = WEATHER_NONE UpdateWeathers(True) EndIf EndEvent Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) If AreSpecialWeathersEnabled() == False Return EndIf Bool bSuntempleSpecialWeather = IsSuntempleSpecialWeatherActive() Bool bArkSpecialWeather = IsArkSpecialWeatherActive() If bSuntempleSpecialWeather == False && bArkSpecialWeather == False iCurrentWeather = WEATHER_NONE Return EndIf Int iNewWeather = WEATHER_NONE Bool bDoGameTimeUpdates = False Bool bGradualTransition = False If bSuntempleSpecialWeather && LocationIsSuntemple(akNewLoc) bDoGameTimeUpdates = True If ((iCurrentArkWeather == WEATHER_OVERCAST) || (iCurrentArkWeather == WEATHER_RAIN)) && LocationIsArk(akOldLoc) iCurrentSuntempleWeather = iCurrentArkWeather ; Keep the weather from Ark if it suits ElseIf (iCurrentSuntempleWeather != WEATHER_OVERCAST) && (iCurrentSuntempleWeather != WEATHER_RAIN) iCurrentSuntempleWeather = RollSuntempleWeather() EndIf iNewWeather = iCurrentSuntempleWeather If GetActorReference().GetWorldSpace() == CapitalCityCastleWorld bGradualTransition = True EndIf ElseIf bArkSpecialWeather && LocationIsArk(akNewLoc) bDoGameTimeUpdates = True If (iCurrentSuntempleWeather != WEATHER_REROLL) && LocationIsSuntemple(akOldLoc) iCurrentArkWeather = iCurrentSuntempleWeather ; Keep the weather from Suntemple if it suits ElseIf iCurrentArkWeather == WEATHER_REROLL iCurrentArkWeather = RollArkWeather() EndIf iNewWeather = iCurrentArkWeather WorldSpace curWorld = GetActorReference().GetWorldSpace() If curWorld == Vyn || curWorld == CapitalCityCastleWorld bGradualTransition = True EndIf ElseIf bArkSpecialWeather && akNewLoc == ArkSiegeWeatherEdge ; If we're leaving Ark's outskirts, keep the current Ark weather for a bit longer. ; This prevents frequent weather switches if we're wondering at the edge of the siege weather zone and regularly crossing that edge. If (akOldLoc == CapitalCityLocation || akOldLoc == ArkSiegeWeather) && (iCurrentArkWeather == WEATHER_OVERCAST || iCurrentArkWeather == WEATHER_RAIN) iNewWeather = iCurrentArkWeather bGradualTransition = True EndIf EndIf SetNewWeather(iNewWeather, bGradualTransition) If bDoGameTimeUpdates ; If the timer is not running or we just entered Ark, (re)start the timer If (bGameTimeUpdatesActive == False) || (LocationIsArk(akOldLoc) == False && LocationIsSuntemple(akOldLoc) == False) bGameTimeUpdatesActive = True RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(WEATHER_UPDATE_PERIOD) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdateGametime() UpdateWeathers(False) EndEvent Function UpdateWeathers(Bool bForceUpdate) bGameTimeUpdatesActive = False If AreSpecialWeathersEnabled() == False Return EndIf If bForceUpdate || (RollChance() > 50) ; Time to reroll weather? If IsSuntempleSpecialWeatherActive() && LocationIsSuntemple(GetPlayerLocation()) bGameTimeUpdatesActive = True iCurrentSuntempleWeather = RollSuntempleWeather() SetNewWeather(iCurrentSuntempleWeather, True) EndIf If IsArkSpecialWeatherActive() && LocationIsArk(GetPlayerLocation()) bGameTimeUpdatesActive = True iCurrentArkWeather = RollArkWeather() SetNewWeather(iCurrentArkWeather, True) EndIf If bGameTimeUpdatesActive == False ; Not in Ark and not in Suntemple iCurrentSuntempleWeather = WEATHER_REROLL iCurrentArkWeather = WEATHER_REROLL EndIf Else bGameTimeUpdatesActive = True EndIf If bGameTimeUpdatesActive RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(WEATHER_UPDATE_PERIOD) EndIf EndFunction Bool Function AreSpecialWeathersEnabled() If MQ17.GetStage() >= 5 Return False EndIf Int mq12bStage = MQ12b.GetStage() If mq12bStage >= 5 && mq12bStage < 135 Return False EndIf Return True EndFunction Bool Function IsSuntempleSpecialWeatherActive() Return MQ09.IsCompleted() EndFunction Bool Function IsArkSpecialWeatherActive() Return MQ12b.IsCompleted() EndFunction Bool Function LocationIsSuntemple(Location lc) If lc Return _00E_SuntempleLocations.HasForm(lc) EndIf Return False EndFunction Bool Function LocationIsArk(Location lc) If lc If (lc == CapitalCityLocation) || (lc == ArkSiegeWeather) || lc.isChild(CapitalCityLocation) Return True EndIf EndIf Return False EndFunction Int Function RollChance() Return Utility.RandomInt(0, 100) EndFunction Int Function RollSuntempleWeather() If RollChance() >= 50 Return WEATHER_OVERCAST Else Return WEATHER_RAIN EndIf EndFunction Int Function RollArkWeather() Int iChance = RollChance() If iCurrentArkWeather == WEATHER_RAIN If iChance >= 50 Return WEATHER_OVERCAST Else Return WEATHER_RAIN EndIf Else If iChance > 80 Return WEATHER_NONE ElseIf iChance < 40 Return WEATHER_RAIN Else Return WEATHER_OVERCAST EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function SetNewWeather(Int iNewWeather, Bool bGradualTransition) If iNewWeather == iCurrentWeather Return EndIf iCurrentWeather = iNewWeather If iCurrentWeather == WEATHER_NONE If _00E_MQ11c_SilberhainDeadWeather.GetValueInt() == 0 Weather.ReleaseOverride() EndIf ElseIf iCurrentWeather == WEATHER_OVERCAST If bGradualTransition _00E_EnderalOvercast.SetActive(True) Else _00E_EnderalOvercast.ForceActive(True) EndIf ElseIf iCurrentWeather == WEATHER_RAIN If bGradualTransition SkyrimOvercastRain.SetActive(True) Else SkyrimOvercastRain.ForceActive(True) EndIf Else Debug.Trace(self + ", SetNewWeather: unsupported iNewWeather " + iNewWeather) EndIf EndFunction Location Function GetPlayerLocation() Return GetActorReference().GetCurrentLocation() EndFunction ;Properties and Variables Float Property WEATHER_UPDATE_PERIOD = 3.0 AutoReadOnly ; In hours Int Property WEATHER_REROLL = 0 AutoReadOnly Int Property WEATHER_OVERCAST = 1 AutoReadOnly Int Property WEATHER_RAIN = 2 AutoReadOnly Int Property WEATHER_NONE = 3 AutoReadOnly Int iCurrentWeather = 0 Int iCurrentSuntempleWeather = 0 Int iCurrentArkWeather = 0 Bool bGameTimeUpdatesActive = False Location Property CapitalCityLocation Auto Location Property ArkSiegeWeather Auto Location Property ArkSiegeWeatherEdge Auto FormList Property _00E_SuntempleLocations Auto Weather Property _00E_EnderalOvercast Auto Weather Property SkyrimOvercastRain Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_MQ11c_SilberhainDeadWeather Auto Quest Property MQ09 Auto Quest Property MQ12b Auto Quest Property MQ17 Auto WorldSpace Property Vyn Auto WorldSpace Property CapitalCityCastleWorld Auto