Scriptname ArmorWeightPerkFixAlias extends ReferenceAlias Hidden Event OnPlayerLoadGame() Actor PlayerREF = GetReference() as Actor ; Perks modifying armor weights need some push on each game load to work. ; The push is needed only if the player is over-encumbered on game load. ; If the player is not over-encumbered, the push is not needed because checking the inventory, picking up items, sheathing/drawing a weapon will reset the perks anyway. If PlayerREF.IsOverEncumbered() _ResetPerk(PlayerREF, _00E_Class_Keeper_P05_C_Conditioning) _ResetPerk(PlayerREF, _00E_Class_Vagrant_P05_B_Lightweight) EndIf EndEvent Function _ResetPerk(Actor PlayerREF, Perk p) If PlayerREF.HasPerk(p) PlayerREF.RemovePerk(p) PlayerREF.AddPerk(p) EndIf EndFunction Perk Property _00E_Class_Keeper_P05_C_Conditioning Auto Perk Property _00E_Class_Vagrant_P05_B_Lightweight Auto