Scriptname _00E_Func_CheckDependencies Hidden Function CheckDependencies() global ; If Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm is not loaded, kick the player back to main menu if (Game.GetForm(0x4320E) as GlobalVariable).GetValue() as Int != 1 Utility.wait(2.0) Game.QuitToMainMenu() Debug.MessageBox("Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm is not loaded! The game will not run properly. Open Data Files and enable it.") return EndIf ; Skip all other check on non-PC/non-VR platforms (for future ports) ; If you are porting Enderal to another platform, you may want to replace _00E_Func_CheckDependencies with your own script. if Debug.GetPlatformName() != "Win64" return endif Int SKSEVer = SKSE.GetVersion() if SKSEVer == 0 Utility.wait(2.0) Game.QuitToMainMenu() Debug.MessageBox("SKSE is not detected! Start Enderal through the launcher or skse64_loader.exe in the game directory.") Return endif Quest bSkyUI = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x802, "SkyUI_SE.esp") as Quest If bSkyUI == None Utility.wait(2.0) Game.QuitToMainMenu() Debug.MessageBox("SkyUI_SE.esp is not loaded! The game will not run properly. Open Data Files and enable it.") Return EndIf if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("EnderalSE") == -1 Utility.wait(2.0) Game.QuitToMainMenu() Debug.MessageBox("EnderalSE.dll is not loaded! The game will not run properly. Verify integrity of your files.\n\nThis may also happen, if your version of SKSE or Enderal is too old. In this case, it is advised to upgrade.") Return endif if (SKSE.GetPluginVersion("JContainers64") == -1) && (SKSE.GetPluginVersion("JContainersVR") == -1) ; JContainers is only required for lycanthropy, so we just nag users without preventing playing without it Utility.wait(2.0) Debug.MessageBox("JContainers is not loaded! The game will not run properly. Verify integrity of your files or reinstall JContainers.") endif EndFunction