Scriptname _00E_Game_Playerhouse_DocumentSC extends ObjectReference ;===================================================================================== ; EVENTS ;===================================================================================== Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) if akNewContainer == PlayerREF && !bDone bDone = True _00E_NQ24_LeveledListHouse.Revert() VendorItemsBanker.RemoveAddedForm(VendorItemPropertyArk) _00E_NQ24_PlayerHouseOwned.SetValueInt(1) PlayerREF.AddItem(kyHouseKey, 1) objNoteRef.Disable() cHouseCell.SetActorOwner(PlayerREF.GetActorBase()) HouseBoardREF.Enable() if SKSE.GetVersion() sHouseName = NQ24.ChooseHouseName() If sHouseName == "" sHouseName = DefaultHouseName.GetName() EndIf cHouseCell.SetName(sHouseName) If cHouseCell == CapitalCityPlayerhouse Player.sHouseMarketQuarterName = sHouseName ElseIf cHouseCell == CapitalCityPlayerHouseUpper Player.sHouseNobleQuarterName = sHouseName EndIf endIf If !NQ24.IsCompleted() If !NQ24.IsRunning() NQ24.SetCurrentStageID(5) Utility.Wait(2) NQ24.SetCurrentStageID(10) Else NQ24.SetCurrentStageID(10) EndIf EndIf endIf endEvent ;===================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ;===================================================================================== _00E_PlayerHousing_CellNameSC Property Player Auto Actor Property PlayerREF Auto bool bDone Cell Property CapitalCityPlayerHouseUpper Auto Cell Property CapitalCityPlayerhouse Auto String Property sHouseName Auto Message Property DefaultHouseName Auto Cell Property cHouseCell Auto {Set this to point at the cell the player will own from now on.} Key Property kyHouseKey Auto {Set this to point at the base object of the key which opens the door to the house} ObjectReference Property objNoteRef Auto {Set this to point to the ObjectReference of the note ACTIVATOR-SPHERE tucked at the door. Will be disabled.} _00E_NQ24_Playerhousing_Functions Property NQ24 Auto LeveledItem Property _00E_NQ24_LeveledListHouse Auto {Set this to the respective LeveledItem for the document the player just purchased. Ensures that the document can't be purchased multiple times.} GlobalVariable Property _00E_NQ24_PlayerHouseOwned Auto FormList Property VendorItemsBanker Auto Keyword Property VendorItemPropertyArk Auto ObjectReference Property HouseBoardREF Auto {Set this to the respective reference of the board, this property simply guarantees that the reference of the board is persistent.}