Scriptname _00E_FortAdBalorLeverScript extends ObjectReference Actor Property BossMage Auto Actor Property PlayerRef Auto NorPortcullisSCRIPT Property Door01 Auto NorPortcullisSCRIPT Property Door02 Auto ObjectReference Property EnterTrigger Auto ObjectReference Property LeaveTrigger Auto Bool bDoorsUpdateLocked = False Event OnLoad() SetDefaultState() EndEvent Event OnReset() SetDefaultState() EndEvent ;This has to be handled as a function, since OnLoad and OnReset can fire in either order, and we can't handle competing animation calls. Function SetDefaultState() bDoorsUpdateLocked = False PlayAnimation("FullPull") EndFunction Function LockDoorsUpdate() While bDoorsUpdateLocked Utility.Wait(0.05) EndWhile bDoorsUpdateLocked = True EndFunction Function UnlockDoorsUpdate() bDoorsUpdateLocked = False EndFunction Function OpenCloseDoors(Bool bOpen) If bOpen != Door01.isAlreadyOpen If bOpen PlayAnimationAndWait("FullPush", "FullPushedUp") Else PlayAnimationAndWait("FullPull", "FullPulledDown") EndIf Door01.Activate(self) Door02.Activate(self) ; Give some time for the busy state to kick in. The doors' animations take 3-4 secs anyway. Utility.Wait(2.0) While Door02.GetState() == "busy" || Door01.GetState() == "busy" Utility.Wait(0.05) EndWhile EndIf EndFunction Event OnActivate(ObjectReference triggerRef) If triggerRef == PlayerRef ; If the boss is dead (and nothing else is trying to open/close the doors ATM), ; the player can open/close the doors by interacting with the lever at the throne If bDoorsUpdateLocked == False LockDoorsUpdate() If BossMage.IsDead() OpenCloseDoors((Door01.isAlreadyOpen == False)) ; Invert the current open state of the doors EndIf UnlockDoorsUpdate() EndIf ElseIf triggerRef == BossMage || triggerRef == EnterTrigger ; Spring the trap, if the boss is alive ; Close the doors when the boss enters combat or the player enters the "enter" trigger LockDoorsUpdate() If BossMage.IsDead() == False OpenCloseDoors(False) EndIf UnlockDoorsUpdate() ElseIf triggerRef == LeaveTrigger ; Failsafe - open the doors if the player leaves or enters the "leave" trigger encasing the whole boss chamber LockDoorsUpdate() OpenCloseDoors(True) UnlockDoorsUpdate() EndIf EndEvent