Scriptname _00E_Phasmalist_SummonApparitionSC extends ObjectReference ; script on the marker that is placed by the apparation summon spell. This summons the apparation at the place the marker has been placed Actor Property PlayerREF auto _00E_Phasmalist_ApparationAlias Property summonedApparation auto _FS_Phasmalist_ControlQuest Property controlQuest auto Message Property alreadySummonedApparation auto {Message objects whose title is the message that is displayed when the player tries to summon an apparation but has already one} Message Property illegalTrinket auto {Message objects whose title is the message that is displayed when the player tries to summon an apparation but wears no phasmalist trinket object} GlobalVariable Property summonDisabled auto Message Property cannotSummonNow auto Message Property _00E_Phasmalist_CantSummonInCombat auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_Phasmalist_FailsaveSummonTwiceControl auto Event OnInit() ;because sometimes a projectile does not spawn its explosion correctly, the explosion is placed twice, once by the magic effect and once by the projectile ;this "lock" prevents that both explosions spawn an apparation if _00E_Phasmalist_FailsaveSummonTwiceControl.getValue() == 1 self.delete() return else _00E_Phasmalist_FailsaveSummonTwiceControl.setValue(1) Endif ;summon control is done in _00E_Phasmalist_SummonControl _00E_Phasmalist_TrinketSC trinket = summonedApparation.getEquippedTrinket() if trinket summonApparation(trinket) Endif RegisterForSingleUpdate(2) Endevent function summonApparation(_00E_Phasmalist_TrinketSC summonTrinket) controlQuest.OnPlayerApparationSummoned() Actor summoned = Self.placeAtMe(summonTrinket.connectedApparation) as Actor summoned.disable() summonedApparation.forceRefTo(summoned) summonedApparation.enterWorld() Endfunction Event OnUpdate() _00E_Phasmalist_FailsaveSummonTwiceControl.setValue(0) self.delete() Endevent