;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname TIF__0014955B Extends TopicInfo Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor ;BEGIN CODE (GetOwningQuest() as _00E_BardDialogueFunctions).PlaySongRequest(AkSpeaker, False, 3) ;startsong3 ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment MusicType Property _00E_SilenceAbruptHighPriority Auto int SongIndex bool Property Done = False Auto Hidden int Property __Config_GamedaysTillReset Auto {How many game days have to pass until the triggerbox resets?} bool Property __Config_SameSong Auto {Shall this box only start one specific song, or choose randomly between all songs available? Default: False} bool Property __Config_OnceOnly Auto {Shall this box only trigger once?? Default: False} int Property __Config_SongIndex Auto {If __Config_SameSong is TRUE, please specifiy the index number of the song the box shall start. See _00E_MUS_LILIATH_SONGS for "Tracklist"} Formlist Property SpectatorList Auto {Set this to a created formlist containing the REFERENCES of the FIVE spectators in total. They will react to Liliaths music.} Formlist Property _00E_MUS_Liliath_Songs Auto {Tracklist. Auto-Fill this.} ObjectReference Property __Config_PerformanceStartMarker Auto {Where should the bard stand when the show begins?} ObjectReference Property __Config_CrowdMarker Auto {Where should the audience stand when the show begins? Approximate.} ObjectReference Property __Config_BardActor Auto {Who should sing? Please make this a woman, or it will get awkward. Ideally Liliath.} ObjectReference Property __Config_Accompanist01 Auto {Who should accompany the bard if needed?} _00E_BardDialogueFunctions Property BardDialogue Auto