#include "IdentifyEXE.h" #include "LoaderError.h" #include "skse64_common/skse_version.h" #include static bool GetFileVersion(const char * path, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * info, std::string * outProductName, std::string * outProductVersion) { bool result = false; UInt32 versionSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(path, NULL); if(!versionSize) { _ERROR("GetFileVersionInfoSize failed (%08X)", GetLastError()); return false; } UInt8 * versionBuf = new UInt8[versionSize]; if(versionBuf) { if(GetFileVersionInfo(path, NULL, versionSize, versionBuf)) { VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * retrievedInfo = NULL; UInt32 realVersionSize = sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO); if(VerQueryValue(versionBuf, "\\", (void **)&retrievedInfo, (PUINT)&realVersionSize) && retrievedInfo) { *info = *retrievedInfo; result = true; } else { _ERROR("VerQueryValue failed (%08X)", GetLastError()); } if(outProductName) { // try to get the product name, failure is ok char * productName = NULL; UInt32 productNameLen = 0; if(VerQueryValue(versionBuf, "\\StringFileInfo\\040904B0\\ProductName", (void **)&productName, (PUINT)&productNameLen) && productNameLen && productName) { *outProductName = productName; } } { char * productVersion = NULL; UInt32 productVersionLen = 0; if (VerQueryValue(versionBuf, "\\StringFileInfo\\040904B0\\ProductVersion", (void **)&productVersion, (PUINT)&productVersionLen) && productVersionLen && productVersion) { *outProductVersion = productVersion; } } } else { _ERROR("GetFileVersionInfo failed (%08X)", GetLastError()); } delete [] versionBuf; } return result; } static bool VersionStrToInt(const std::string & verStr, UInt64 * out) { UInt64 result = 0; int parts[4]; if (sscanf_s(verStr.c_str(), "%d.%d.%d.%d", &parts[0], &parts[1], &parts[2], &parts[3]) != 4) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (parts[i] > 0xFFFF) return false; result <<= 16; result |= parts[i]; } *out = result; return true; } static bool GetFileVersionData(const char * path, UInt64 * out, std::string * outProductName) { std::string productVersionStr; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO versionInfo; if(!GetFileVersion(path, &versionInfo, outProductName, &productVersionStr)) return false; _MESSAGE("dwSignature = %08X", versionInfo.dwSignature); _MESSAGE("dwStrucVersion = %08X", versionInfo.dwStrucVersion); _MESSAGE("dwFileVersionMS = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileVersionMS); _MESSAGE("dwFileVersionLS = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileVersionLS); _MESSAGE("dwProductVersionMS = %08X", versionInfo.dwProductVersionMS); _MESSAGE("dwProductVersionLS = %08X", versionInfo.dwProductVersionLS); _MESSAGE("dwFileFlagsMask = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileFlagsMask); _MESSAGE("dwFileFlags = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileFlags); _MESSAGE("dwFileOS = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileOS); _MESSAGE("dwFileType = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileType); _MESSAGE("dwFileSubtype = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileSubtype); _MESSAGE("dwFileDateMS = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileDateMS); _MESSAGE("dwFileDateLS = %08X", versionInfo.dwFileDateLS); _MESSAGE("productVersionStr = %s", productVersionStr.c_str()); UInt64 version = 0; if (!VersionStrToInt(productVersionStr, &version)) return false; *out = version; return true; } const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER * GetImageSection(const UInt8 * base, const char * name) { const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER * dosHeader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)base; const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS * ntHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(base + dosHeader->e_lfanew); const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER * sectionHeader = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(ntHeader); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < ntHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER * section = §ionHeader[i]; if(!strcmp((const char *)section->Name, name)) { return section; } } return NULL; } // steam EXE will have the .bind section bool IsSteamImage(const UInt8 * base) { return GetImageSection(base, ".bind") != NULL; } bool IsUPXImage(const UInt8 * base) { return GetImageSection(base, "UPX0") != NULL; } bool ScanEXE(const char * path, ProcHookInfo * hookInfo) { // open and map the file in to memory HANDLE file = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ERROR("ScanEXE: couldn't open file (%d)", GetLastError()); return false; } bool result = false; HANDLE mapping = CreateFileMapping(file, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if(mapping) { const UInt8 * fileBase = (const UInt8 *)MapViewOfFile(mapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if(fileBase) { // scan for packing type bool isSteam = IsSteamImage(fileBase); bool isUPX = IsUPXImage(fileBase); if(isUPX) { hookInfo->procType = kProcType_Packed; } else if(isSteam) { hookInfo->procType = kProcType_Steam; } else { hookInfo->procType = kProcType_Normal; } result = true; UnmapViewOfFile(fileBase); } else { _ERROR("ScanEXE: couldn't map file (%d)", GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(mapping); } else { _ERROR("ScanEXE: couldn't create file mapping (%d)", GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(file); return result; } bool IdentifyEXE(const char * procName, bool isEditor, std::string * dllSuffix, ProcHookInfo * hookInfo) { UInt64 version; std::string productName; // check file version if(!GetFileVersionData(procName, &version, &productName)) { PrintLoaderError("Couldn't retrieve EXE version information."); return false; } _MESSAGE("version = %016I64X", version); _MESSAGE("product name = %s", productName.c_str()); if(productName == "SKSE64") { _MESSAGE("found an SKSE64 component"); return false; } if(productName == "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Launcher") { PrintLoaderError("You have instructed skse64_loader to run the vanilla launcher, which cannot work. Most likely you have renamed files incorrectly."); return false; } // check protection type if(!ScanEXE(procName, hookInfo)) { PrintLoaderError("Failed to identify EXE type."); return false; } switch(hookInfo->procType) { case kProcType_Steam: _MESSAGE("steam exe"); break; case kProcType_Normal: _MESSAGE("normal exe"); break; case kProcType_Packed: _MESSAGE("packed exe"); break; case kProcType_Unknown: default: _MESSAGE("unknown exe type"); break; } bool result = false; const UInt64 kCurVersion = 0x0001000500610000; // // convert version resource to internal version format UInt32 versionInternal = MAKE_EXE_VERSION(version >> 48, version >> 32, version >> 16); if(version < kCurVersion) { #if SKSE_TARGETING_BETA_VERSION if(versionInternal == CURRENT_RELEASE_RUNTIME) PrintLoaderError( "You are using the version of SKSE64 intended for the Steam beta branch (%d.%d.%d).\n" "Download and install the non-beta branch version (%s) from http://skse.silverlock.org/.", SKSE_VERSION_INTEGER, SKSE_VERSION_INTEGER_MINOR, SKSE_VERSION_INTEGER_BETA, CURRENT_RELEASE_SKSE_STR); else PrintLoaderError( "You are using Skyrim version %d.%d.%d, which is out of date and incompatible with this version of SKSE64. Update to the latest beta version.", GET_EXE_VERSION_MAJOR(versionInternal), GET_EXE_VERSION_MINOR(versionInternal), GET_EXE_VERSION_BUILD(versionInternal)); #else PrintLoaderError( "You are using Skyrim version %d.%d.%d, which is out of date and incompatible with this version of SKSE64. Update to the latest version.", GET_EXE_VERSION_MAJOR(versionInternal), GET_EXE_VERSION_MINOR(versionInternal), GET_EXE_VERSION_BUILD(versionInternal)); #endif } else if(version > kCurVersion) { PrintLoaderError( "You are using a newer version of Skyrim than this version of SKSE64 supports.\n" "If this version just came out, please be patient while we update our code.\n" "In the meantime, please check http://skse.silverlock.org for updates.\n" "Do not email about this!\n" "Runtime: %d.%d.%d\n" "SKSE64: %d.%d.%d", GET_EXE_VERSION_MAJOR(versionInternal), GET_EXE_VERSION_MINOR(versionInternal), GET_EXE_VERSION_BUILD(versionInternal), SKSE_VERSION_INTEGER, SKSE_VERSION_INTEGER_MINOR, SKSE_VERSION_INTEGER_BETA); } else if(isEditor) { switch(hookInfo->procType) { case kProcType_Steam: case kProcType_Normal: *dllSuffix = ""; result = true; break; case kProcType_Unknown: default: PrintLoaderError("Unsupported editor executable type."); break; } } else { switch(hookInfo->procType) { case kProcType_Steam: case kProcType_Normal: *dllSuffix = "1_5_97"; result = true; break; case kProcType_Packed: PrintLoaderError("Packed versions of Skyrim are not supported."); break; case kProcType_Unknown: default: PrintLoaderError("Unknown executable type."); break; } } return result; }