Scriptname _00E_NQ_Bounty01_BoardScript extends ObjectReference ; SCRIPT AUTHOR DENNIS MAY 2014 ; Script handles all the bounty board functions ; Script is automated, use the quest NQ_Bounty01 to do the configuration ; ==================================================================================== ; EVENTS ; ==================================================================================== Int iStage = 0 Int iQuestDone = 0 Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) If ( akActionRef == game.GetPlayer() ) Int iAvailableQuests = BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Quest01_mb_FormList.GetSize() GotoState("TurnOffActivate") If ( iStage == 0 ) ;Do this once when board board is activated the first time NQ_Bounty01.Start() NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveDisplayed(iStage) Endif If ( BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status == 0) ;APPEARS WHEN YOU HAVE NO CURRENT BOUNTY MISSION M_one (_00E_NQ_Bounty_mainMenu_mb) elseif ( BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status == 10) _00E_NQ_Bounty_noMissions_mb.Show() return ElseIf ( BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status == 2) ;APPEARS WHEN TARGET IS KILLED - REWARD BLOCK NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveDisplayed(iStage, false) ;Hide Kill objective iStage += 5 ;Up QuestStage +5 NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveCompleted(iStage) ;Complete previous objective = Collect your bounty BountyScript.GiveGold(BountyScript.__Config_MissionRewards[iQuestDone]) ;Give Player the Gold iStage += 5 ;Up QuestStage +5 NQ_Bounty01.SetCurrentStageID(iStage) iQuestDone += 1 If ( iQuestDone == iAvailableQuests ) BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status = 10 NQ_Bounty01.Stop() else BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status = 0 ;Unlock bounty board again Endif _00E_NQ_Bounty_recieveBounty_mb.Show() GotoState("") Else ;APPEARS WHEN YOU ARE ON A BOUNTY MISSION _00E_NQ_Bounty_activeMission_mb.Show() ;Bounty active message GotoState("") Return Endif Endif EndEvent State TurnOffActivate Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) ; Do nothing endEvent endState ; ==================================================================================== ; FUNCTIONS ; ==================================================================================== Function M_one (Message chosenMessage) ;CHECK FOR BOUNTY MISSIONS Int iAvailableQuests = BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Quest01_mb_FormList.GetSize() ;Get the count of Quests available in the FormList Int iButton = chosenMessage.Show() If ( iButton == 0 ) ;ACCESS BOUNTY MISSION TAB ;debug.Notification(iQuestDone + " " + iAvailableQuests) If ( iQuestDone < iAvailableQuests ) Message SelectQuestMessage = BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Quest01_mb_FormList.GetAt(iQuestDone) as Message ;SHOW CURRENT BANDIT DESCRIPTION M_two (SelectQuestMessage) Else _00E_NQ_Bounty_noMissions_mb.Show() ;SORRY, NO MORE QUESTS GotoState("") Endif ElseIf ( iButton == 1 ) ;CLOSE BOUNTY MISSION TAB GotoState("") Return EndIf EndFunction Function M_two (Message chosenMessage2) ;ACCEPT BOUNTY MISSIONS OR DENY THEM Utility.Wait(0.5) Int iButton2 = chosenMessage2.Show(BountyScript.__Config_MissionRewards[iQuestDone]) ;Fill mission description with given bounty value If ( iButton2 == 0 ) ;ACCEPT THE SHOWN BOUNTY MISSION If ( iStage == 0 ) ;Complete first objective / DO it once NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveCompleted(iStage) Endif ; Now comes some trickery. What this function is supposed to ; do is raising iStage (a local copy of the quest stage) from ; an integer of the form 20k (with k an integer) to 20k+10. ; (Indeed, 20k means "no current bounty mission", while 20k+10 ; means "bounty mission started but target not yet killed".) ; However, sometimes this function gets called when iStage is ; at a value of the form 20k+10 (this tends to happen when ; you activate the bounty board many times in rapid ; succession, due to the latency of something in the engine). ; To prevent this from incorrectly raising quest stages, we ; first check that iStage is divisible by 20: ; [NOTE: I'm not sure if this is necessary at all, as I have ; troubles reproducing this bug.] int iStagemod20 = iStage - ((20 * math.floor(iStage / 20)) as int) if !(iStagemod20 == 0) && !(iStagemod20 == 20) && !(iStagemod20 == -20) ;Debug.Notification("machine-gun clicking detected") GotoState("") Return endif iStage += 10 ;Up QuestStage +10 NQ_Bounty01.SetCurrentStageID(iStage) NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveDisplayed(iStage) BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status = 1 ;Bounty quest active GotoState("") ElseIf ( iButton2 == 1 ) ;DENY THE SHOWN BOUNTY MISSION GotoState("") return EndIf EndFunction ; ==================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ; ==================================================================================== Quest property NQ_Bounty01 Auto Message property _00E_NQ_Bounty_mainMenu_mb auto Message property _00E_NQ_Bounty_activeMission_mb auto Message property _00E_NQ_Bounty_recieveBounty_mb auto Message property _00E_NQ_Bounty_noMissions_mb auto _00E_NQ_Bounty01_Functions Property BountyScript Auto ;ACCESS TO QUEST SCRIPT ; ==================================================================================== ; DESCRIPTIONS ; ==================================================================================== ; BOUNTY QUEST STATUS BOARD ; _00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status (0) - No bounty mission selected ; _00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status (1) - Bounty quest active ; _00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status (2) - Target killed, time for the reward ; QUEST STAGE PROCEDURE RULES ; 10 New Mission ; 15 Target Killed ; 20 Reward Collected ; --- 10 Stage Gap --- ; 30 New Mission ; 35 Target Killed ; 40 Reward Collected ; --- 10 Stage Gap --- ; 50 New Mission ; 55 Target etc. ...