Scriptname Message extends Form Hidden

; Show this message on the screen, substituting the values as appropriate. If a message box, it will wait until the user closes the box
; before returning - returning the button the user hit. If not a message box, or something went wrong, it will return -1
int Function Show(float afArg1 = 0.0, float afArg2 = 0.0, float afArg3 = 0.0, float afArg4 = 0.0, float afArg5 = 0.0, float afArg6 = 0.0, float afArg7 = 0.0, float afArg8 = 0.0, float afArg9 = 0.0) native

; Shows help message for a user action on screen.
Function ShowAsHelpMessage(string asEvent, float afDuration, float afInterval, int aiMaxTimes) native

; Resets help message status for an input event so a new message can be displayed for that event.
Function ResetHelpMessage(string asEvent) native global