Scriptname EnderalUpgradeAlias extends ReferenceAlias Hidden {This script handles game version upgrades, DO NOT MODIFY.} Float Property CURRENT_PATCH_VERSION = 2.1 AutoReadOnly float fPatchVersion Event OnInit() ; MQP01 if (Game.GetForm(0x46F1A) as Quest).GetStageDone(10) While Utility.IsInMenuMode() Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) EndWhile Debug.MessageBox("A savegame was loaded which was made before the release of Enderal SE 2.1. In this save, several new features won't be available and there is a chance that you'll encounter grave bugs. Please, start a new game.") ;Game.QuitToMainMenu() endif EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() if fPatchVersion < CURRENT_PATCH_VERSION ; fPatchVersion = CURRENT_PATCH_VERSION endif EndEvent