Scriptname defaultGhostScriptRefAlias extends ReferenceAlias EFFECTSHADER PROPERTY pGhostFXShader AUTO FORMLIST PROPERTY pDefaultGhostWeaponFlickerList AUTO CONTAINER PROPERTY pDefaultGhostCorpse AUTO EXPLOSION PROPERTY pdefaultGhostDeathExplosion AUTO BOOL PROPERTY bflicker=FALSE AUTO {don't use this yet} SPELL PROPERTY pGhostAbilityNew AUTO SPELL PROPERTY pGhostResistsAbility AUTO ; //any perks you want to add PERK PROPERTY pGhostHalfDamagePerk AUTO BOOL PROPERTY bFade=FALSE AUTO {makes the ghost fade out instead of explode} ; //make sure only one flash is active BOOL bFlash=FALSE ; //the person who caused the ghost to flash ACTOR target EVENT onLoad() ; // add on the abilities SELF.GetActorReference().addSpell(pGhostAbilityNew) SELF.GetActorReference().addSpell(pGhostResistsAbility) ; // for some reason this makes ghostFlash work better IF(bFlicker) ghostFlash(1) ENDIF ENDEVENT ; ///////// ; //ONHIT: When the ghost is hit, if the player isnt using the proper weapon, have them fade ; ///////// EVENT onHIT(OBJECTREFERENCE akAggressor, FORM akSource, Projectile akProjectile, BOOL abPowerAttack, BOOL abSneakAttack, BOOL abBashAttack, BOOL abHitBlocked) ; //if we're supposed to flicker and we're hit by a weapon without turn and we're not blocked, flash IF(bflicker && !pDefaultGhostWeaponFlickerList.hasForm(akSource) && !abHitBlocked && !bFlash) bFlash = TRUE target = akAggressor as ACTOR ghostFlash(3) ENDIF ENDEVENT ; ///////// ; //GHOSTFLASH: play this to flash the ghost when hit or attacking ; // ; //float time: the amount of time to be invincible ; ///////// FUNCTION ghostFlash(FLOAT time) ; //stop the effect to keep the particles pGhostFXShader.stop(SELF.GetActorReference()) SELF.GetActorReference().setGhost() ; //be invincible for x seconds utility.wait(time) ; //return the ghost to normal SELF.GetActorReference().setGhost(FALSE) SELF.GetActorReference().setAlpha(0.3) bFlash = FALSE ENDFUNCTION ; ///////// ; //ONDYING: On dying play an explosion to mask the ghost vanishing and being replaced by his corpse ; ///////// EVENT onDYING(ACTOR killer) IF(bFade) Self.GetActorReference().disable(1) ELSE ; //play this explosion on death SELF.GetActorReference().placeAtMe(pDefaultGhostDeathExplosion) ; //mask the swap in the explosion utility.wait(0.2) ; //temporary hack Self.GetActorReference().disable() ENDIF Self.GetActorReference().placeAtMe(pDefaultGhostCorpse) ENDEVENT