Scriptname EnderalUpgradeAlias extends ReferenceAlias Hidden {This script handles game version upgrades, DO NOT MODIFY.} Float Property CURRENT_PATCH_VERSION = 2.1 AutoReadOnly float fPatchVersion Event OnInit() ; MQP01 Quest startQuest = Game.GetForm(0x46F1A) as Quest if startQuest.IsStageDone(10) || startQuest.IsCompleted() While Utility.IsInMenuMode() Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) EndWhile Debug.MessageBox("A savegame was loaded which was made before the release of Enderal SE 2.1. In this save, several new features won't be available and there is a chance that you'll encounter grave bugs. Please, start a new game.") ;Game.QuitToMainMenu() endif EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() if fPatchVersion < CURRENT_PATCH_VERSION ; fPatchVersion = CURRENT_PATCH_VERSION endif EndEvent