#include "BranchTrampoline.h" #include "SafeWrite.h" #include BranchTrampoline g_branchTrampoline; BranchTrampoline g_localTrampoline; BranchTrampoline::BranchTrampoline() :m_base(nullptr) , m_len(0) , m_allocated(0) , m_curAlloc(nullptr) { // } BranchTrampoline::~BranchTrampoline() { Destroy(); } bool BranchTrampoline::Create(size_t len, void * module) { if (!module) module = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // search backwards from module base uintptr_t moduleBase = uintptr_t(module); uintptr_t addr = moduleBase; uintptr_t maxDisplacement = 0x80000000 - (1024 * 1024 * 128); // largest 32-bit displacement with 128MB scratch space uintptr_t lowestOKAddress = (moduleBase >= maxDisplacement) ? moduleBase - maxDisplacement : 0; addr--; while (!m_base) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info; if (!VirtualQuery((void *)addr, &info, sizeof(info))) { _ERROR("VirtualQuery failed: %08X", GetLastError()); break; } if (info.State == MEM_FREE) { // free block, big enough? if (info.RegionSize >= len) { // try to allocate it addr = ((uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress) + info.RegionSize - len; m_base = (void *)VirtualAlloc((void *)addr, len, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (m_base) { m_len = len; m_allocated = 0; } else { _WARNING("trampoline alloc %016I64Xx%016I64X failed (%08X)", addr, len, GetLastError()); } } } // move back and try again if (!m_base) { addr = ((uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress) - 1; } if (addr < lowestOKAddress) { _ERROR("couldn't allocate trampoline, no free space before image"); break; } } return m_base != nullptr; } void BranchTrampoline::Destroy() { if (m_base) { VirtualFree(m_base, 0, MEM_RELEASE); m_base = nullptr; } } void BranchTrampoline::SetBase(size_t len, void * base) { ASSERT(!m_base); m_base = base; m_len = len; m_allocated = 0; m_curAlloc = nullptr; } void * BranchTrampoline::StartAlloc() { ASSERT(m_base); ASSERT(!m_curAlloc); m_curAlloc = ((UInt8 *)m_base) + m_allocated; return m_curAlloc; } void BranchTrampoline::EndAlloc(const void * end) { ASSERT(m_base); ASSERT(m_curAlloc); size_t len = uintptr_t(end) - uintptr_t(m_curAlloc); ASSERT(len <= Remain()); m_allocated += len; m_curAlloc = nullptr; } void * BranchTrampoline::Allocate(size_t size) { ASSERT(m_base); void * result = nullptr; if (size <= Remain()) { result = ((UInt8 *)m_base) + m_allocated; m_allocated += size; } return result; } bool BranchTrampoline::Write6Branch(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dst) { return Write6Branch_Internal(src, dst, 0x25); } bool BranchTrampoline::Write6Call(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dst) { return Write6Branch_Internal(src, dst, 0x15); } bool BranchTrampoline::Write5Branch(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dst) { return Write5Branch_Internal(src, dst, 0xE9); } bool BranchTrampoline::Write5Call(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dst) { return Write5Branch_Internal(src, dst, 0xE8); } bool BranchTrampoline::Write6Branch_Internal(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dst, UInt8 op) { bool result = false; uintptr_t * trampoline = (uintptr_t *)Allocate(); if (trampoline) { uintptr_t trampolineAddr = (uintptr_t)trampoline; uintptr_t nextInstr = src + 6; ptrdiff_t trampolineDispl = trampolineAddr - nextInstr; if ((trampolineDispl >= _I32_MIN) && (trampolineDispl <= _I32_MAX)) { UInt8 code[6]; // jmp [rip+imm32] code[0] = 0xFF; code[1] = op; *((SInt32 *)&code[2]) = (SInt32)trampolineDispl; SafeWriteBuf(src, code, sizeof(code)); *trampoline = dst; result = true; } } // do this for now so it's obvious when something goes wrong ASSERT(result); return result; } bool BranchTrampoline::Write5Branch_Internal(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dst, UInt8 op) { bool result = false; #pragma pack(push, 1) // code placed in trampoline struct TrampolineCode { // jmp [rip] UInt8 escape; // FF UInt8 modrm; // 25 UInt32 displ; // 00000000 // rip points here UInt64 dst; // target void Init(uintptr_t _dst) { escape = 0xFF; modrm = 0x25; displ = 0; dst = _dst; } }; struct HookCode { // jmp disp32 UInt8 op; // E9 for jmp, E8 for call SInt32 displ; // void Init(SInt32 _displ, UInt8 _op) { op = _op; displ = _displ; } }; #pragma pack(pop) STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TrampolineCode) == 14); STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(HookCode) == 5); TrampolineCode * trampolineCode = (TrampolineCode *)Allocate(sizeof(TrampolineCode)); if (trampolineCode) { trampolineCode->Init(dst); HookCode hookCode; uintptr_t trampolineAddr = uintptr_t(trampolineCode); uintptr_t nextInstr = src + sizeof(hookCode); ptrdiff_t trampolineDispl = trampolineAddr - nextInstr; // should never fail because we're branching in to the trampoline ASSERT((trampolineDispl >= _I32_MIN) && (trampolineDispl <= _I32_MAX)); hookCode.Init(trampolineDispl, op); SafeWriteBuf(src, &hookCode, sizeof(hookCode)); result = true; } // do this for now so it's obvious when something goes wrong ASSERT(result); return result; }