Scriptname FXBirdFleeSCRIPT extends ObjectReference {Triggers birds to fly away} import debug ; import debug.psc for acces to trace() import game ; game.psc for access to getPlayer() import utility ; utility.psc for access to wait() import sound ; sound.psc for access to play() sound property BirdFlockSound auto sound property BirdFlockFleeSound auto bool property PlayerTriggered = false auto {check if player is only actor that can trigger - Default FALSE} int instanceID00 ;************************************************* Event onCellAttach() instanceID00 = BirdFlockSound.Play(Self) gotoState("Waiting") endEvent ;************************************************* State Waiting Event onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) Actor actionRef = akActionRef as Actor if(((PlayerTriggered) && (actionRef == game.GetPlayer() as Actor)) || (PlayerTriggered == False)) gotoState("doNothing") Self.PlayAnimation("PlayAnim01") int instanceID01 = BirdFlockFleeSound.Play(Self) wait (0.5) StopInstance(instanceID00) endif endEvent endState ;************************************************* State doNothing ;do nothing endState ;*************************************************