Scriptname _00E_SkillControl extends Quest Hidden import Utility Function _ReadSkillBook(String skillName, Int skillTopLimit, Form bookItem, Message msgSkillIncrease, GlobalVariable availablePoints, Message msgNoPoints) Message failMsg = None While _SkillBookReadLocked WaitMenuMode(0.1) EndWhile _SkillBookReadLocked = True ; DO NOT FORGET TO FALSE _SkillBookReadLocked ON RETURN If availablePoints.GetValue() >= 1 Int curSkill = PlayerREF.GetBaseActorValue(skillName) as Int If curSkill >= skillTopLimit failMsg = _00E_Levelsystem_sSkillTooWellDeveloped ElseIf curSkill >= (skillTopLimit - 25) || (_00E_SkillbookWarning.Show() == 0) ; If cur. skill is within the book's limit or the player says "Yes" ; Do skill increase curSkill += 1 PlayerREF.SetActorValue(skillName, curSkill) availablePoints.Mod(-1) _SkillBookReadLocked = False msgSkillIncrease.Show(1, curSkill) Return EndIf Else ; availablePoints < 1 failMsg = msgNoPoints EndIf ; Processing failed read _SkillBookReadLocked = False If failMsg != None failMsg.Show() EndIf PlayerREF.AddItem(bookItem, 1, True) EndFunction Function ReadPrimarySkillBook(String skillName, Int skillTopLimit, Form bookItem, Message msgSkillIncrease) _ReadSkillBook(skillName, skillTopLimit, bookItem, msgSkillIncrease, Lernpunkte, _00E_Levelsystem_sNoMoreLearningPoints) EndFunction Function ReadCraftingSkillBook(String skillName, Int skillTopLimit, Form bookItem, Message msgSkillIncrease) _ReadSkillBook(skillName, skillTopLimit, bookItem, msgSkillIncrease, Handwerkspunkte, _00E_Levelsystem_sNoMoreCraftingPoints) EndFunction Function ReadMemorySkillBook(String sClass, Int iTier, Message talentMessage, float fRecoveryTime02, float fRecoveryTime03, Potion PotionItem, Shout TaughtTalent, WordOfPower Word01, WordOfPower Word02, WordOfPower Word03, Perk Perk01, Perk Perk02, Perk Perk03) While _MemoryBookReadLocked WaitMenuMode(0.1) EndWhile _MemoryBookReadLocked = True int iButton = talentMessage.Show() if iButton == 0 if iTier == 1 iRequiredPoints = iPointRequirementTier01 Elseif iTier == 2 iRequiredPoints = iPointRequirementTier02 Else iRequiredPoints = iPointRequirementTier03 EndIf if RequirementsMetMemoryBook(iTier, Perk01, Perk02, Perk03, sClass) TeachTalent(iTier, TaughtTalent, Perk01, Perk02, Perk03, Word01, Word02, Word03, fRecoveryTime02, fRecoveryTime03) Else if bValidSkilllevel Message messageToShow = _00E_FS_A3_sMageClassName if sClass == "Rogue" messageToShow = _00E_FS_A3_sRogueClassName Elseif sClass == "Warrior" messageToShow = _00E_FS_A3_sWarriorClassName EndIf Debug.Notification(_00E_FS_A3_sYouNeedSkillpoints.GetName() + " " + iRequiredPoints + _00E_FS_A3_sIn.GetName() + messageToShow.GetName() + _00E_FS_A3_sToUnlockThisClass.GetName()) EndIf PlayerREF.AddItem(PotionItem, 1, true) EndIf _MemoryBookReadLocked = False Else PlayerREF.AddItem(PotionItem, 1, true) _MemoryBookReadLocked = False Return EndIf EndFunction bool Function RequirementsMetMemoryBook(int iTier, Perk Perk01, Perk Perk02, Perk Perk03, string sClass) Formlist ClassFormList01 Formlist ClassFormList02 Formlist ClassFormList03 if (iTier == 3 && !PlayerREF.HasPerk(Perk02)) || (iTier == 2 && !PlayerREF.HasPerk(Perk01)) _00E_FS_A3_NeedToLearnOtherLevels.Show() bValidSkilllevel = False Return False Elseif (iTier == 1 && PlayerREF.HasPerk(Perk01)) || (iTier == 2 && PlayerREF.HasPerk(Perk02)) || (iTier == 3 && PlayerREF.HasPerk(Perk03)) _00E_FS_A3_AlreadyKnowThisLevel.Show() bValidSkilllevel = False Return False Else bValidSkilllevel = True if sClass == "Rogue" ClassFormList01 = EspionagePerks ClassFormList02 = TrickeryPerks ClassFormList03 = VagabondPerks Elseif sClass == "Warrior" ClassFormList01 = BastionPerks ClassFormList02 = DerwishPerks ClassFormList03 = RagePerks Elseif sClass == "Mage" ClassFormList01 = ElementalismPerks ClassFormList02 = LifeAndDeathPerks ClassFormList03 = ManipulationPerks EndIf int iTotalPointsInRequiredClass = (_00E_Func_GetPointsInClass.Run(ClassFormList01) + _00E_Func_GetPointsInClass.Run(ClassFormList02) + _00E_Func_GetPointsInClass.Run(ClassFormList03)) if iTotalPointsInRequiredClass >= iRequiredPoints Return True Else Return False EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function TeachTalent(int iLevel, Shout TaughtTalent, Perk Perk01, Perk Perk02, Perk Perk03, WordOfPower Word01, WordOfPower Word02, WordOfPower Word03, float fRecoveryTime02, float fRecoveryTime03) if iLevel == 1 PlayerREF.AddPerk(Perk01) PlayerREF.AddShout(TaughtTalent) Game.UnlockWord(Word01) Game.TeachWord(Word01) Elseif iLevel == 2 PlayerREF.AddPerk(Perk02) Game.UnlockWord(Word02) Game.TeachWord(Word02) SetRecoveryTimeMemoryBook(2, TaughtTalent, fRecoveryTime02, fRecoveryTime03) Else PlayerREF.AddPerk(Perk03) Game.UnlockWord(Word03) Game.TeachWord(Word03) SetRecoveryTimeMemoryBook(3, TaughtTalent, fRecoveryTime02, fRecoveryTime03) EndIf TalentPoints.Mod(-1) If _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_TALENT_BOOK_01") EndIf EndFunction Function SetRecoveryTimeMemoryBook(int iWord, Shout TaughtTalent, float fRecoveryTime02, float fRecoveryTime03) {This function handles the issue of cooldowns not depending on the value in the CK but on the duration the player presses the [Shout] key on his keyboard.} If iWord == 2 TaughtTalent.SetNthRecoveryTime(0, fRecoveryTime02) TaughtTalent.SetNthRecoveryTime(1, fRecoveryTime02) Else TaughtTalent.SetNthRecoveryTime(0, fRecoveryTime03) TaughtTalent.SetNthRecoveryTime(1, fRecoveryTime03) TaughtTalent.SetNthRecoveryTime(2, fRecoveryTime03) EndIf EndFunction Function ShowSynergyMessage() _00E_Levelsystem_sSynergyDiscovered.Show() _00E_EPHandler.GiveEP(150) If _00E_AchievementsEnabled.GetValueInt() == 1 && !bUnlockedSynergyAchievement Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_SYNERGY_01") bUnlockedSynergyAchievement = true EndIf EndFunction int iPointRequirementTier01 = 5 int iPointRequirementTier02 = 10 int iPointRequirementTier03 = 15 int iRequiredPoints bool bValidSkilllevel bool bUnlockedSynergyAchievement Bool _SkillBookReadLocked = False Bool _MemoryBookReadLocked = False actor Property PlayerRef Auto Message Property _00E_SkillbookWarning Auto Message Property _00E_Levelsystem_sSkillTooWellDeveloped Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_sMageClassName Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_sRogueClassName Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_sWarriorClassName Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_sYouNeedSkillpoints Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_sIn Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_sToUnlockThisClass Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_NeedToLearnOtherLevels Auto Message Property _00E_FS_A3_AlreadyKnowThisLevel Auto FormList Property EspionagePerks Auto FormList Property TrickeryPerks Auto FormList Property VagabondPerks Auto FormList Property BastionPerks Auto FormList Property DerwishPerks Auto FormList Property RagePerks Auto FormList Property ElementalismPerks Auto FormList Property LifeAndDeathPerks Auto FormList Property ManipulationPerks Auto GlobalVariable Property Handwerkspunkte Auto GlobalVariable Property Lernpunkte Auto GlobalVariable Property TalentPoints Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_AchievementsEnabled Auto Message Property _00E_Levelsystem_sNoMoreCraftingPoints Auto Message Property _00E_Levelsystem_sNoMoreLearningPoints Auto Message Property _00E_Levelsystem_sSynergyDiscovered Auto