;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 16 Scriptname SF_NQ_G_07Dijaam_SC07_Dijaam_00147066 Extends Scene Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_5 Function Fragment_5() ;BEGIN CODE GetOwningQuest().SetStage(145) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_9 Function Fragment_9() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.ScarabCollectable() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_4 Function Fragment_4() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.FadeInLying() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_3 Function Fragment_3() ;BEGIN CODE GetOwningQuest().SetStage(135) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_6 Function Fragment_6() ;BEGIN CODE GetOwningQuest().SetStage(155) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_14 Function Fragment_14() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.DijaamThrowFlashpowder(NQ_G_07.PlayerREF, true) NQ_G_07.DijaamAttackPlayer() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_1 Function Fragment_1() ;BEGIN CODE GetOwningQuest().SetStage(125) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_2 Function Fragment_2() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.FadeInLying() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_11 Function Fragment_11() ;BEGIN CODE _00E_Func_AIWalk.PlayerAIWalk() Debug.ToggleMenus() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_10 Function Fragment_10() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.PlayKiss() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.FadeIn() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_8 Function Fragment_8() ;BEGIN CODE GetOwningQuest().SetStage(160) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_7 Function Fragment_7() ;BEGIN CODE NQ_G_07.DespawnHideOut() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment _00E_NQ_G_07_Functions Property NQ_G_07 Auto