Scriptname FXGreybeardShoutScript extends ObjectReference {automatically plays animation when it loads 3D} auto State waiting event OnLoad() ; when loaded, animate gotoState("playing") PlayAnimation("Play") ; TEST - try moving sound here SoundEnableMarker.Enable() RegisterForAnimationEvent(self, "End") ; play animation complete endEvent endState state playing Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) ; debug.trace(self + "OnAnimationEvent() recieved " + asEventName) if asEventName == "End" ; SoundEnableMarker.Enable() utility.wait(3) WordTrigger.Enable() gotoState("waiting") EndIf EndEvent ; patch 1.9: event OnCellDetach() debug.trace(self + "playing: OnCellDetach - enable trigger") WordTrigger.Enable() gotoState("waiting") endEvent endState function GoAway() ; debug.trace(self + "GoAway()") while getState() =="playing" ; do nothing ; debug.trace(self + " ... waiting for Play anim to finish...") utility.wait(1) endWhile gotoState("goingaway") LearnWordFadeLoop02.ApplyCrossfade(0.5) PlayAnimation("Away") utility.wait(1.5) ImageSpaceModifier.RemoveCrossFade(0.5) endFunction state goingaway Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) ; debug.trace(self + "OnAnimationEvent() recieved " + asEventName) if asEventName == "End" gotoState("done") ; TEST - try not waitingn at all... ; utility.wait(3) ; disable the sounds SoundEnableMarker.Disable() EndIf EndEvent endState state done ; do nothing event OnUnload() disable() endEvent endState ObjectReference Property WordTrigger Auto {trigger box for learning the word} ObjectReference Property SoundEnableMarker Auto {enable marker for associated sounds} ImageSpaceModifier Property LearnWordFadeLoop02 Auto