scriptName TrapHitBase extends objectReference ; ; ; ;========================================= import utility int property damage auto hidden int property soundLevel = 10 auto int property trapPushBack auto sound property TrapHitSound auto weapon property hitFX auto ammo property hitFXAmmo auto bool property trapCausesStagger = false Auto {does this trap stagger actors default = false} bool property rumble = false Auto float property rumbleAmount = 0.7 Auto float property rumbleDuration = 0.5 auto bool property cameraShake = false Auto float property cameraShakeAmount = 0.7 auto float property staggerAmount = 0.0 auto bool property soundCanPlay = TRUE auto hidden float property soundDelay = 1.0 auto bool property throttleSound = TRUE auto spell property ghostAbility auto bool property hitOnlyOnce = false auto {This variable to act as a safety mechanism, if this is true, after one trap hit this will put itself into the cannotHit State, Mainly for bearTrap Default == FALSE} explosion property pushbackExplosion auto objectReference placedExplosion bool property canDisease auto {this property says whether this can apply diseases on hit diseaseChance determines the odds if this is true default = false} float property diseaseChance = 2.5 auto {if canDisease is true, this determines the chance of a disease being applied default = 2.5%} spell property TrapDiseaseAtaxia auto spell property TrapDiseaseBoneBreakFever auto spell property TrapDiseaseBrainRot auto spell property TrapDiseaseRattles auto spell property TrapDiseaseRockjoint auto spell property TrapDiseaseWitbane auto faction property noHitFaction auto {This faction will not be affected by hits from this trap} ;This only processes the hits, another script should tell this one when to be in the CanHit state state CanHit Event OnTrapHitStart(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) ; ;debug.Trace(self + " has hit " + akTarget) if !(akTarget as actor).hasSpell(ghostAbility) && !(akTarget as actor).IsInFaction(noHitFaction) if hitOnlyOnce goToState("CannotHit") endif akTarget.ProcessTrapHit(self, damage, trapPushBack, afXVel, afYVel, afZVel, afXPos, afYPos, afZPos, aeMaterial, staggerAmount) if throttleSound if soundCanPlay soundCanPlay = False if TrapHitSound self as ObjectReference) ;play hit sound endif registerForSingleUpdate(soundDelay) endif Else self as ObjectReference) ;play hit sound endif bool isPlayer = false if akTarget == game.getPlayer() isPlayer = True endif actor myTarget myTarget = akTarget as Actor if canDisease && isPlayer if randomFloat(0.0, 100.0) <= diseaseChance int diseasePick diseasePick = randomInt(1,6) if diseasePick == 1 myTarget.addSpell(TrapDiseaseAtaxia) elseif diseasePick == 2 myTarget.addSpell(TrapDiseaseBoneBreakFever) elseif diseasePick == 3 myTarget.addSpell(TrapDiseaseBrainRot) elseif diseasePick == 4 myTarget.addSpell(TrapDiseaseRattles) elseif diseasePick == 5 myTarget.addSpell(TrapDiseaseRockjoint) elseif diseasePick == 6 myTarget.addSpell(TrapDiseaseWitbane) endif endif endif if hitFX, hitFxAmmo) endif CreateDetectionEvent(myTarget, soundLevel) ; creates a detection event ;/if trapCausesStagger placedExplosion = self.placeatme(pushbackExplosion) placedExplosion.moveto(self, afXoffset = afXpos, afYoffset = afYpos, afZoffset = afZpos) endif/; if rumble && isPlayer game.ShakeController(rumbleAmount, rumbleAmount, rumbleDuration) EndIf if cameraShake && isPlayer game.ShakeCamera(game.getPlayer(),cameraShakeAmount, rumbleDuration) endif endif ;Trace("Damage =") ;Trace(damage) endEvent endState auto state CannotHit Event OnTrapHit(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType) endEvent endState event onUpdate() soundCanPlay = TRUE EndEvent