scriptName TrapTriggerBASE extends objectReference hidden ; ; ;This is the base trap trigger script and handles what the trigger tells the trap ;Any trigger should be useable with any trap ;Activation params are on the trigger, toggle, number of times it can be triggered, etc. ;Trap params are on the trap (damage, timing, etc) ;Some triggers will be extended from this base to handle animation, etc. ;================================================================ import debug int Count ;if Finite = 1, Determines how many times this trigger can be used int property CountUsed auto hidden ;Used to compare times triggered to max triggers allowed int property Type auto hidden ;This is to determine trigger to send to the trap ;The trap will handle its behavior based on this signal ;0 = Single - fire the trap once do one time ;1 = Hold - on entry turn on, on exit turn off ;2 = Toggle - on entry or use toggle trap state ;3 = Turn On - on entry or use turn on trap ;4 = Turn Off - on entry or use turn off trap sound property TriggerSound auto objectReference property lastTriggerRef auto hidden int property soundLevel = 10 auto int objInTriggerVar int property objectsInTrigger hidden function set(int value) objInTriggerVar = value ;TraceStack("Setting objectsInTrigger to " + value) endFunction int function get() return objInTriggerVar endFunction endProperty faction property owningFaction Auto actorBase property owningActorBase Auto bool property doOnceBase = False auto hidden bool property playerOnlyTrigger = false auto bool property checkForLightFootPerk = false Auto {Setting this will give a chance that the trap trigger will not Fire this does not work on triggers with the HOLD trigger type Set on by default on all pressure plates you should only mess with this locally for triggerboxes} bool property checkForLightHandsPerk = false Auto {Setting this will give a chance that the trap trigger will not Fire when lockpicked this is used specifically for hinge triggers or other things like that set to on by default on the hinge trigger} perk property lightFootPerk Auto globalVariable property LightFootGlobalVar auto perk property lightHandsPerk Auto globalVariable property LightHandsGlobalVar auto bool property blockActivate = false Auto {block activation of this by the player, only used for trapLinker default = False} bool property FiniteUse auto {If true this has a finite number of uses as defined by the TriggerCount, and then will not fire} bool property isTriggerVolume = False auto {This property is used to tell the trap trigger if it is a trigger volume if true, on cell attach it will try to check if there are object in the trigger and go to state inactive if not This should be turned to TRUE for pressure plates & triggerboxes default = false} int property TriggerCount {the number of times this Trigger can fire, only used if FiniteUse is True} int Function Get() return Count endFunction Function Set (int value) if (value >= 1 && value <= 100) Count = Value else Count = 1 endif endFunction endProperty int property TriggerType {This property determines how the trigger will tell the trap to fire 0 = Single Fire 1 = Hold 2 = Toggle 3 = Turn On 4 = Turn Off} int Function Get() return Type endFunction Function Set (int value) if (value >= 0 && value <= 4) Type = value StoredTriggerType = Value else Type = 0 StoredTriggerType = 0 endif endFunction endProperty int property StoredTriggerType auto Hidden {this stores what the triggerType was set to on the Ref used for trapLinker in case of activation by non trapTriggerBase ref} event onCellAttach() if self.GetFactionOwner() owningFaction = self.GetFactionOwner() ElseIf self.GetActorOwner() owningActorBase = (self.GetActorOwner() as actorBase) endif if blockActivate self.blockActivation(true) endif ;/ if !doOnceBase StoredTriggerType = TriggerType doOnceBase = True endif /; endEvent Event onCellLoad() objectsInTrigger = self.GetTriggerObjectCount() if isTriggerVolume && objectsInTrigger == 0 goToState ("Inactive") endif endEvent ;THIS SECTION IS USED FOR TRAP LINKERS event onActivate(objectReference akActivator) ; debug.Trace(self + " has been activated by + " + akActivator) ; debug.Trace(self + ": Type = " + Type + ", StoredTriggerType = " + StoredTriggerType) if blockActivate && akActivator != (self as objectReference) if (akActivator as trapTriggerBase) ; debug.Trace(akActivator + " was able to be cast as trapTriggerBase") ; debug.Trace(self + " triggerType was " + triggerType) TriggerType = (akActivator as trapTriggerBase).TriggerType ; debug.Trace(self + " triggerType is now " + triggerType) else ; debug.Trace(akActivator + " was NOT able to be cast as trapTriggerBase") triggerType = StoredTriggerType endif if blockActivate self.blockActivation(false) utility.wait(0.0) localActivateFunction() self.Activate(self) self.blockActivation(true) endif endif endEvent ;================================================================ auto State Inactive event onBeginState() ; debug.Trace(self + ": is calling onBeginState Inactive") ; debug.Trace(self + ": StoredTriggerType = " + StoredTriggerType + ", objectsInTrigger = " + objectsInTrigger) if (StoredTriggerType == 1 && objectsInTrigger == 0) ;type 1 = hold, so deprecate here if necessary if (FiniteUse == TRUE && CountUsed < Count);if finite use and count > count used CountUsed += 1 ;increase count for hold type triggers endif Type = 4 utility.wait(0.1) activate(self as objectReference) utility.wait(0.1) ;Type = 1 else ; debug.Trace(self + "StoredTriggerType = " + StoredTriggerType + ", ObjectsInTrigger = " + objectsInTrigger) endif endEvent event OnTriggerEnter (objectReference triggerRef) if acceptableTrigger(triggerRef) ; debug.Trace(self + " has been entered by " + triggerRef) lastTriggerRef = triggerRef objectsInTrigger = self.GetTriggerObjectCount() if (FiniteUse == TRUE && CountUsed < Count) ;if finite use and count > count used ;TRACE("Finite Use") if (Type != 1) ;type 1 = hold so only increase on leave CountUsed += 1 ;increase count used ;TRACE("Increasing Count on enter") endif goToState( "Active" ) endif if (FiniteUse == FALSE) ;TRACE("Infinite Use") goToState( "Active" ) endif endif endevent event OnTriggerLeave (objectReference triggerRef) if acceptableTrigger(triggerRef) ; debug.Trace(self + " has been exited by " + triggerRef) lastTriggerRef = triggerRef objectsInTrigger = self.GetTriggerObjectCount() ; debug.Trace(self + ": StoredTriggerType = " + StoredTriggerType + ", objectsInTrigger = " + objectsInTrigger) if (StoredTriggerType == 1 && objectsInTrigger == 0) ;type 1 = hold, so deprecate here if necessary if (FiniteUse == TRUE && CountUsed < Count);if finite use and count > count used CountUsed += 1 ;increase count for hold type triggers endif Type = 4 utility.wait(0.1) activate(self as objectReference) utility.wait(0.1) ;Type = 1 endif endif endevent endstate State Active Event onBeginState() ; debug.Trace(self + ": is calling onBeginState Active") ; debug.Trace(self + ": StoredTriggerType = " + StoredTriggerType + ", objectsInTrigger = " + objectsInTrigger) if (StoredTriggerType == 1) Type = 3 utility.wait(0.1) activate(self as objectReference) utility.wait(0.1) ;Type = 1 else activate(self as objectReference) endif if objectsInTrigger == 0 goToState( "Inactive" ) endif endEvent event OnTriggerEnter( objectReference triggerRef ) if acceptableTrigger(triggerRef) ; debug.Trace(self + " has been entered by " + triggerRef) objectsInTrigger = self.GetTriggerObjectCount() endif endEvent event OnTriggerLeave( objectReference triggerRef ) if acceptableTrigger(triggerRef) ; debug.Trace(self + " has been exited by " + triggerRef) objectsInTrigger = self.GetTriggerObjectCount() if objectsInTrigger == 0 goToState ("Inactive") endif endif endEvent event OnMagicEffectApply(objectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect) Trace("MagicEffectHit") activate(self as objectReference) goToState( "Inactive" ) endEvent endState ;The following function is used to filter for acceptable objects to trigger this ;if it is player only, then ONLY the player will trigger it and nothing else, including projectiles ;if there is an owning faction and it is not player only then everything BUT actors ;that are part of that owning faction will trigger it bool function acceptableTrigger(objectReference triggerRef) ; debug.Trace(self + " is checking if " + triggerRef + " is an acceptable trigger") if playerOnlyTrigger if triggerRef == game.getPlayer() ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is an acceptable trigger") if checkPerks(triggerRef) Return True Else Return False endif Else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is not an acceptable trigger") return False endif Else if !(triggerRef as actor) ;if this is not a player only trigger and this is not an actor return True elseif owningFaction if (triggerRef as actor).IsInFaction(owningFaction) ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is not an acceptable trigger") return False else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is an acceptable trigger") if checkPerks(triggerRef) Return True Else Return False endif endif else if owningActorBase if (triggerRef as actor).getActorBase() == owningActorBase ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is not an acceptable trigger") return False Else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is an acceptable trigger") if checkPerks(triggerRef) Return True Else Return False endif endif else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " is an acceptable trigger") if checkPerks(triggerRef) Return True Else Return False endif endif endif endif endFunction Bool function checkPerks(objectReference triggerRef) if checkForLightFootPerk ; debug.Trace(self + " is checking if " + triggerRef + " has LightFoot Perk") if (triggerRef as actor).hasPerk(lightFootPerk) ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " has LightFoot Perk") if utility.randomFloat(0.0,100.00) <= LightFootGlobalVar.getValue() ; debug.Trace(self + " is returning false due to failed lightfoot roll") return False else ; debug.Trace(self + " is returning true due to successful lightfoot roll") return True endif Else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " doesn't have the LightFoot Perk") Return True EndIf elseif checkForLightHandsPerk ; debug.Trace(self + " is checking if " + triggerRef + " has LightHands Perk") if (triggerRef as actor).hasPerk(lightHandsPerk) ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " has LightFoot Perk") if utility.randomFloat(0.0,100.00) <= LightHandsGlobalVar.getValue() ; debug.Trace(self + " is returning false due to failed lightHands roll") return False else ; debug.Trace(self + " is returning true due to successful lightHands roll") return True endif Else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " doesn't have the LightFoot Perk") Return True EndIf Else ; debug.Trace(self + " has found that " + triggerRef + " doesn't have applicable perks") return True EndIf endFunction function localActivateFunction() ;placeholder function for anything that may need to be on the child activate event endFunction