Scriptname _00E_AutoSaveSystem_Functions extends Quest ; Save Name Structure (from NQS NamedQuicksaves by Ryan McKenzie) ; Save3_0C2D58E2_0_507269736F6E6572_Tamriel_000002_20180503063315_4_1.ess ; Save3: Type and index of save ; 0C2D58E2: Unique hash used to identify your save profile. Regenerated on closing racemenu. ; 0: Flag for modded game. ; 507269736F6E6572: Character name in hex. ; Tamriel: coc code. ; 000002: Days, hours, minutes played. ; 20180503063315: Year, month, day, hour, minute, second in GMT + 0. ; 4: Player level. ; 1: Unknown flag. Event OnUpdate() Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetForm(0x14) as Actor If PlayerREF.IsInCombat() || PlayerREF.IsOnMount() || PlayerREF.IsSwimming() || ! Game.IsFightingControlsEnabled() || PlayerREF.IsDead() || Utility.IsInMenuMode() || UI.IsTextInputEnabled() || UI.IsMenuOpen("Dialogue Menu") RegisterForSingleUpdate(5) return endif ; Eddoursul: Index prefixed with 0 ensures the engine does not rotate these saves out Game.SaveGame("Autosave0" + iAutosaveIndex + "_" + EnderalFunctions.GetPlayerHash() + "_0_" + EnderalFunctions.StringToHex(PlayerREF.GetActorBase().GetName()) + "_EnderalSE_000000_00000000000000_1_1") iAutosaveIndex += 1 if iAutosaveIndex >= Utility.GetIniInt("iAutoSaveCount:SaveGame") iAutosaveIndex = 0 endif RegisterForSingleUpdate(fUpdateTime*60) EndEvent ; called from _00E_AutosaveIntervalAlias to update ini setting fAutosaveEveryXMins in case it was changed Function UpdateAutoSaveInterval() if SKSE.GetVersion() <= 0 UnregisterForUpdate() return endif fUpdateTime = Utility.GetIniFloat("fAutosaveEveryXMins:SaveGame") If fUpdateTime <= 0.0 ; just in case fUpdateTime = 30 EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(fUpdateTime*60) EndFunction int iAutosaveIndex = 0 float fUpdateTime