scriptName magicBanishScript extends ActiveMagicEffect {Scripted effect for the Banish Visual Effects} ;======================================================================================; ; PROPERTIES / ;=============/ Activator Property ThingToPlace auto {MANDATORY: Object placed at the start of the spell effect} ImageSpaceModifier property ImodFX auto {OPTIONAL: IsMod applied at the start of the spell effect} Int Property SecondsBeforeDelete auto ;======================================================================================; ; EVENTS / ;=============/ bool function CheckProperties() if ThingToPlace == None ; debug.trace(self + "Warning: ThingToPlace property is not defined!") return false endif return true endFunction Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) ; ;debug.trace(self + "OnEffectStart() Target:" + Target) if checkProperties() == false return endif ObjectReference placedEffect placedEffect = Target.PlaceAtMe(ThingToPlace) placedEffect.moveTo(target) ;Target.ForceRemoveRagdollFromWorld() If ImodFX != None ;Do we have an Imod? ImodFX.apply() ; apply isMod at full strength EndIf Utility.wait(SecondsBeforeDelete) placedEffect.disable() placedEffect.delete() EndEvent