#include "common/IDebugLog.h" #include <share.h> #include "common/IFileStream.h" #include <shlobj.h> std::FILE * IDebugLog::logFile = NULL; char IDebugLog::sourceBuf[16] = { 0 }; char IDebugLog::headerText[16] = { 0 }; char IDebugLog::formatBuf[8192] = { 0 }; int IDebugLog::indentLevel = 0; int IDebugLog::rightMargin = 0; int IDebugLog::cursorPos = 0; int IDebugLog::inBlock = 0; bool IDebugLog::autoFlush = true; IDebugLog::LogLevel IDebugLog::logLevel = IDebugLog::kLevel_DebugMessage; IDebugLog::LogLevel IDebugLog::printLevel = IDebugLog::kLevel_Message; IDebugLog::IDebugLog() { // } IDebugLog::IDebugLog(const char * name) { Open(name); } IDebugLog::~IDebugLog() { if(logFile) fclose(logFile); } void IDebugLog::Open(const char * path) { logFile = _fsopen(path, "w", _SH_DENYWR); if(!logFile) { UInt32 id = 0; char name[1024]; do { sprintf_s(name, sizeof(name), "%s%d", path, id); id++; logFile = NULL; logFile = _fsopen(name, "w", _SH_DENYWR); } while(!logFile && (id < 5)); } } void IDebugLog::OpenRelative(int folderID, const char * relPath) { char path[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT err = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, folderID | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, path); if(!SUCCEEDED(err)) { _FATALERROR("SHGetFolderPath %08X failed (result = %08X lasterr = %08X)", folderID, err, GetLastError()); } ASSERT_CODE(SUCCEEDED(err), err); strcat_s(path, sizeof(path), relPath); IFileStream::MakeAllDirs(path); Open(path); } /** * Output a non-formatted message to the log file * * @param message the message * @param source the source of the message, or NULL to use the previous source */ void IDebugLog::Message(const char * message, const char * source, bool newLine) { if(source) SetSource(source); if(inBlock) { SeekCursor(RoundToTab((indentLevel * 4) + strlen(headerText))); } else { SeekCursor(indentLevel * 4); PrintText(headerText); } PrintText(message); if(newLine) NewLine(); } /** * Output a formatted message to the log file * * @note It is impossible to set the source of a formatted message. * The previous source will be used. */ void IDebugLog::FormattedMessage(const char * fmt, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, fmt); vsprintf_s(formatBuf, sizeof(formatBuf), fmt, argList); Message(formatBuf); va_end(argList); } /** * Output a formatted message to the log file * * @note It is impossible to set the source of a formatted message. * The previous source will be used. */ void IDebugLog::FormattedMessage(const char * fmt, va_list args) { vsprintf_s(formatBuf, sizeof(formatBuf), fmt, args); Message(formatBuf); } void IDebugLog::Log(LogLevel level, const char * fmt, va_list args) { bool log = (level <= logLevel); bool print = (level <= printLevel); if(log || print) vsprintf_s(formatBuf, sizeof(formatBuf), fmt, args); if(log) Message(formatBuf); if(print) printf("%s\n", formatBuf); } void IDebugLog::LogNNL(LogLevel level, const char * fmt, va_list args) { bool log = (level <= logLevel); bool print = (level <= printLevel); if(log || print) vsprintf_s(formatBuf, sizeof(formatBuf), fmt, args); if(log) Message(formatBuf, NULL, false); if(print) printf("%s", formatBuf); } /** * Set the current message source */ void IDebugLog::SetSource(const char * source) { strcpy_s(sourceBuf, sizeof(sourceBuf), source); strcpy_s(headerText, sizeof(headerText), "[ ]\t"); char * tgt = headerText + 1; char * src = sourceBuf; for(int i = 0; (i < 8) && *src; i++, tgt++, src++) *tgt = *src; } /** * Clear the current message source */ void IDebugLog::ClearSource(void) { sourceBuf[0] = 0; } /** * Increase the indentation level */ void IDebugLog::Indent(void) { indentLevel++; } /** * Decrease the indentation level */ void IDebugLog::Outdent(void) { if(indentLevel) indentLevel--; } /** * Enter a logical block */ void IDebugLog::OpenBlock(void) { SeekCursor(indentLevel * 4); PrintText(headerText); inBlock = 1; } /** * Close a logical block */ void IDebugLog::CloseBlock(void) { inBlock = 0; } /** * Enable/disable autoflush * * @param inAutoFlush autoflush state */ void IDebugLog::SetAutoFlush(bool inAutoFlush) { autoFlush = inAutoFlush; } /** * Print spaces to the log * * If possible, tabs are used instead of spaces. */ void IDebugLog::PrintSpaces(int numSpaces) { int originalNumSpaces = numSpaces; if(logFile) { while(numSpaces > 0) { if(numSpaces >= TabSize()) { numSpaces -= TabSize(); fputc('\t', logFile); } else { numSpaces--; fputc(' ', logFile); } } } cursorPos += originalNumSpaces; } /** * Prints raw text to the log file */ void IDebugLog::PrintText(const char * buf) { if(logFile) { fputs(buf, logFile); if(autoFlush) fflush(logFile); } const char * traverse = buf; char data; while(data = *traverse++) { if(data == '\t') cursorPos += TabSize(); else cursorPos++; } } /** * Moves to the next line of the log file */ void IDebugLog::NewLine(void) { if(logFile) { fputc('\n', logFile); if(autoFlush) fflush(logFile); } cursorPos = 0; } /** * Prints spaces to align the cursor to the requested position * * @note The cursor move will not be performed if the request would move the cursor * backwards. */ void IDebugLog::SeekCursor(int position) { if(position > cursorPos) PrintSpaces(position - cursorPos); } /** * Returns the number of spaces a tab would occupy at the current cursor position */ int IDebugLog::TabSize(void) { return ((~cursorPos) & 3) + 1; } /** * Rounds a number of spaces to the nearest tab */ int IDebugLog::RoundToTab(int spaces) { return (spaces + 3) & ~3; }