scriptName trapRockfallEffects extends objectReference ; ; ;==================================== bool property doOnce = true auto {if true do this only once default == true} bool property placeAll = true auto {default == true if true place all things that have been set if false place the first thing that we find set} explosion property placedExplosion auto objectReference property placedObjectRef auto sound property rockfallSound Auto objectReference objSelf float ControllerShakeL = 0.5 float ControllerShakeR = 0.5 float ControllerShakeDuration = 1.5 bool property cannedHallwayDust = false auto {used for precanned dust in hallways} string anim01 = "playAnim01" string animEndEvent = "endAnim" auto state waiting event onActivate(objectReference triggerRef) goToState("DoNothing") objSelf = self as objectReference game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 1.0) game.ShakeController(ControllerShakeL, ControllerShakeR, ControllerShakeDuration) if cannedHallwayDust playAnimationAndWait(anim01, animEndEvent) Else placeAllThings() endif endEvent endState state DoNothing event onActivate(objectReference triggerRef) endEvent endState function placeAllThings() if placedExplosion self.placeAtMe(placedExplosion) endif if placedObjectRef self.placeAtMe(placedExplosion) endif endFunction