;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 16 Scriptname QF_DGIntimidateQuest_0011A493 Extends Quest Hidden ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY opponent ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_opponent Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Friend1 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Friend1 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY OpponentFriend ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_OpponentFriend Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Player ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Player Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Bystander4 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bystander4 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Bystander2 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bystander2 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Bystander5 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bystander5 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Bystander1 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bystander1 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Bystander3 ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bystander3 Auto ;END ALIAS PROPERTY ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_3 Function Fragment_3() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE DGIntimidateQuestScript Quest __temp = self as Quest DGIntimidateQuestScript kmyQuest = __temp as DGIntimidateQuestScript ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 10: Start ; fill the alias if this is CR04 and don't end quest if player fights dirty Actor OpponentREF = Alias_Opponent.GetActorReference() Actor FriendREF = Alias_OpponentFriend.GetActorReference() (Alias_Player as _00E_DGIntimidatePlayerScript).Setup() ;make sure the opponent doesn't run kmyquest.OpponentCon = OpponentREF.GetActorValue("Confidence") as int OpponentREF.SetActorValue("Confidence", 4) ;remove player's weapons _FS_TheriantrophistControlQuest theriantrophistQuest = _FS_TheriantrophistControlQuest.getControlQuest() If theriantrophistQuest.IsTransformed() _FS_TheriantrophistControlQuest.TransformBackIfTransformed() Utility.Wait(1) EndIf Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(Unarmed, abSilent=True) OpponentREF.EquipItem(Unarmed, abSilent=True) OpponentREF.StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) ; if friend exists, start combat as well if FriendREF FriendREF.EquipItem(Unarmed, abSilent=True) FriendREF.StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) endif Alias_Opponent.RegisterForUpdate(5) if FriendREF Alias_OpponentFriend.RegisterForUpdate(5) endif ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_11 Function Fragment_11() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE DGIntimidateQuestScript Quest __temp = self as Quest DGIntimidateQuestScript kmyQuest = __temp as DGIntimidateQuestScript ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 20: forcegreet is done (never happens in Enderal) Alias_Opponent.GetActorReference().EvaluatePackage() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_10 Function Fragment_10() ;BEGIN AUTOCAST TYPE DGIntimidateQuestScript Quest __temp = self as Quest DGIntimidateQuestScript kmyQuest = __temp as DGIntimidateQuestScript ;END AUTOCAST ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 200: End quest (1st phase) Actor OpponentREF = Alias_Opponent.GetActorReference() Actor OpponentFriendREF = Alias_OpponentFriend.GetActorReference() Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() OpponentREF.AllowBleedoutDialogue(False) OpponentREF.SetActorValue("Confidence", kmyquest.OpponentCon) Alias_Opponent.UnregisterForUpdate() if OpponentFriendREF Alias_OpponentFriend.UnregisterForUpdate() endif ; if player lost, restore health to above 0 kmyQuest.RestoreActorHealthOnBleedOut(PlayerREF) ; if opponent is down, restore health to above 0 kmyQuest.RestoreActorHealthOnBleedOut(OpponentREF) ; if opponentfriend is down, restore health to above 0 if OpponentFriendREF kmyQuest.RestoreActorHealthOnBleedOut(OpponentFriendREF) endif Stop() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_15 Function Fragment_15() ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 250: Terminating quest (stage 150 done) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_9 Function Fragment_9() ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 15: opponent is down, cue victory dialogue (victory dialogue does not happen in Enderal) Actor myOpponent = Alias_Opponent.GetActorReference() myOpponent.AllowBleedoutDialogue(True) Game.IncrementStat( "Brawls Won" ) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_5 Function Fragment_5() ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 100: player's victory, victory forcegreet done (does not happen in Enderal) ; Game.IncrementStat( "Brawls Won" ) ; Moved to Stage 15 SetStage(200) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_14 Function Fragment_14() ;BEGIN CODE ; Stage 250: Terminating quest (stage 150 not done) ; if the player hasn't cheated, stop combat ; debug.Trace(self + "Stopping Brawl combat alarm") Game.GetPlayer().StopCombatAlarm() ;make sure player's hired hands don't aggro Alias_Opponent.GetActorReference().StopCombatAlarm() If Alias_OpponentFriend.GetActorReference() != None Alias_OpponentFriend.GetActorReference().StopCombatAlarm() EndIf ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Weapon Property Unarmed Auto