scriptname PapyrusUtil Hidden ; Get version of papyrus DLL library. Version 3.3 will return 33. int function GetVersion() global native ; Get version of compiled papyrus scripts which should match return from GetVersion() int function GetScriptVersion() global return 33 endFunction ; ## ; ## Array manipulation utilities ; ## ; Few extra array types not provided by SKSE normally to help avoid having to use and cast Form arrays Actor[] function ActorArray(int size, Actor filler = none) global native Actor[] function ResizeActorArray(Actor[] ArrayValues, int toSize, Actor filler = none) global native ObjectReference[] function ObjRefArray(int size, ObjectReference filler = none) global native ObjectReference[] function ResizeObjRefArray(ObjectReference[] ArrayValues, int toSize, ObjectReference filler = none) global native ; ## Append a value to the end of the given array and return the new array. ; ## NOTE: The array has to be recreated each time you call this. For the sake of memory usage and performance, DO NOT use these to build up an array through a loop, ; ## in such a situation it is significantly faster to create the full length array first and then fill it. Best to limit to only the occasional need. float[] function PushFloat(float[] ArrayValues, float push) global native int[] function PushInt(int[] ArrayValues, int push) global native ; bool[] function PushBool(bool[] ArrayValues, bool push) global native ; // Bugged - Non-native version available below string[] function PushString(string[] ArrayValues, string push) global native Form[] function PushForm(Form[] ArrayValues, Form push) global native Alias[] function PushAlias(Alias[] ArrayValues, Alias push) global native Actor[] function PushActor(Actor[] ArrayValues, Actor push) global native ObjectReference[] function PushObjRef(ObjectReference[] ArrayValues, ObjectReference push) global native ; ## Removes all elements from the given array matching the provided value and returns the shortened array. float[] function RemoveFloat(float[] ArrayValues, float ToRemove) global native int[] function RemoveInt(int[] ArrayValues, int ToRemove) global native ; bool[] function RemoveBool(bool[] ArrayValues, bool ToRemove) global native ; // Bugged - Non-native version available below string[] function RemoveString(string[] ArrayValues, string ToRemove) global native Form[] function RemoveForm(Form[] ArrayValues, Form ToRemove) global native Alias[] function RemoveAlias(Alias[] ArrayValues, Alias ToRemove) global native Actor[] function RemoveActor(Actor[] ArrayValues, Actor ToRemove) global native ObjectReference[] function RemoveObjRef(ObjectReference[] ArrayValues, ObjectReference ToRemove) global native ; ## Returns the number of instances an array has an element equal to the given value int function CountFloat(float[] ArrayValues, float EqualTo) global native int function CountInt(int[] ArrayValues, int EqualTo) global native int function CountBool(bool[] ArrayValues, bool EqualTo) global native int function CountString(string[] ArrayValues, string EqualTo) global native int function CountForm(Form[] ArrayValues, Form EqualTo) global native int function CountAlias(Alias[] ArrayValues, Alias EqualTo) global native int function CountActor(Actor[] ArrayValues, Actor EqualTo) global native int function CountObjRef(ObjectReference[] ArrayValues, ObjectReference EqualTo) global native ; ## Returns two arrays combined into one, optionally also removing any duplicate occurrences of a value. float[] function MergeFloatArray(float[] ArrayValues1, float[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native int[] function MergeIntArray(int[] ArrayValues1, int[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native ; bool[] function MergeBoolArray(bool[] ArrayValues1, bool[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native ; // Bugged - Non-native version available below string[] function MergeStringArray(string[] ArrayValues1, string[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native Form[] function MergeFormArray(Form[] ArrayValues1, Form[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native Alias[] function MergeAliasArray(Alias[] ArrayValues1, Alias[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native Actor[] function MergeActorArray(Actor[] ArrayValues1, Actor[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native ObjectReference[] function MergeObjRefArray(ObjectReference[] ArrayValues1, ObjectReference[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global native ; ## Returns a sub section of an array indicated by a starting and ending index. ; ## The default argument "int EndIndex = -1" clamps the to the end of the array. Equivalent of setting EndIndex = (ArrayValues.Length - 1) float[] function SliceFloatArray(float[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native int[] function SliceIntArray(int[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native ; bool[] function SliceBoolArray(bool[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native ; // Bugged - Non-native version available below string[] function SliceStringArray(string[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native Form[] function SliceFormArray(Form[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native Alias[] function SliceAliasArray(Alias[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native Actor[] function SliceActorArray(Actor[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native ObjectReference[] function SliceObjRefArray(ObjectReference[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global native function SortIntArray(int[] ArrayValues, bool descending = false) global native function SortFloatArray(float[] ArrayValues, bool descending = false) global native function SortStringArray(string[] ArrayValues, bool descending = false) global native ; ## ; ## Shortcuts for common usage ; ## string[] function ClearEmpty(string[] ArrayValues) global return RemoveString(ArrayValues, "") endFunction Form[] function ClearNone(Form[] ArrayValues) global return RemoveForm(ArrayValues, none) endFunction int function CountFalse(bool[] ArrayValues) global return CountBool(ArrayValues, false) endFunction int function CountTrue(bool[] ArrayValues) global return CountBool(ArrayValues, true) endFunction int function CountNone(Form[] ArrayValues) global return CountForm(ArrayValues, none) endFunction ; ## ; ## Extra String Utilities ; ## ; ## Similar to SKSE's native StringUtil.Split() except results are whitespace trimmed. So comma, separated,list,can, be, spaced,or,not. string[] function StringSplit(string ArgString, string Delimiter = ",") global native ; ## Opposite of StringSplit() string function StringJoin(string[] Values, string Delimiter = ",") global native ; ## ; ## Shortcuts for some common number actions. Mostly to help cut some basic and overly verbose checks down to a single line. ; ## Making these native instead of normal globals is probably massive overkill... ; ## ; ## Return the total sum of all values stored in the given array int function AddIntValues(int[] Values) global native float function AddFloatValues(float[] Values) global native ; ## Returns the value clamped to the min or max when out of range int function ClampInt(int value, int min, int max) global native float function ClampFloat(float value, float min, float max) global native ; ## Similar to the clamp functions, only values wrap around to the other side of range instead. ; ## Mostly useful for traversing around array values by wrapping the index from end to end without having to check for it being out of range first. ; ## i.e.: Form var = myFormArray[WrapInt(i, (myFormArray.Length - 1))] int function WrapInt(int value, int end, int start = 0) global native float function WrapFloat(float value, float end, float start = 0.0) global native ; ## Returns the given value signed if bool is true, unsigned if false, regardless if value started out signed or not. int function SignInt(bool doSign, int value) global native float function SignFloat(bool doSign, float value) global native ; ## ; ## Non-Native bool versions of some functions where SKSE version is bugged. ; ## SKSE version VMResultArray<bool> fails to be manipulated by other native functions past creation. ; ## bool[] function ResizeBoolArray(bool[] ArrayValues, int toSize, bool filler = false) global bool[] Output = Utility.CreateBoolArray(toSize, filler) int i = ArrayValues.Length if i > toSize i = toSize endIf while i i -= 1 Output[i] = ArrayValues[i] endWhile return Output endFunction bool[] function PushBool(bool[] ArrayValues, bool push) global return ResizeBoolArray(ArrayValues, ArrayValues.Length + 1, push) endFunction bool[] function RemoveBool(bool[] ArrayValues, bool ToRemove) global int count = CountBool(ArrayValues, ToRemove) return Utility.CreateBoolArray((ArrayValues.Length - Count), !ToRemove) endFunction bool[] function MergeBoolArray(bool[] ArrayValues1, bool[] ArrayValues2, bool RemoveDupes = false) global if !ArrayValues1 && !ArrayValues2 return Utility.CreateBoolArray(0) elseIf RemoveDupes ; Don't know why this option would ever be used for bool arrays, but provided for consistency sake with others bool[] Output = new bool[1] Output[0] = (ArrayValues1 && ArrayValues1[0]) || (!ArrayValues1 && ArrayValues2 && ArrayValues2[0]) if (ArrayValues1 && ArrayValues1.Find(!Output[0]) != -1) || (ArrayValues2 && ArrayValues2.Find(!Output[0]) != -1) Output = PushBool(Output, !Output[0]) endIf return Output elseIf !ArrayValues1 return ArrayValues2 elseIf !ArrayValues2 return ArrayValues1 endIf bool[] Output = Utility.CreateBoolArray(ArrayValues1.Length + ArrayValues2.Length) bool[] Source = ArrayValues2 int n = Source.Length int i = Output.Length while i i -= 1 n -= 1 if n < 0 && i > 0 Source = ArrayValues1 n = ArrayValues1.Length - 1 endIf Output[i] = Source[n] endWhile return Output endFunction bool[] function SliceBoolArray(bool[] ArrayValues, int StartIndex, int EndIndex = -1) global if !ArrayValues || (StartIndex > EndIndex && EndIndex > -1) return Utility.CreateBoolArray(0) elseIf StartIndex <= 0 && (EndIndex == -1 || EndIndex >= ArrayValues.Length) return ArrayValues endIf if StartIndex < 0 StartIndex = 0 endIf if EndIndex < 0 || EndIndex >= ArrayValues.Length EndIndex = ArrayValues.Length - 1 endIf if StartIndex == EndIndex return Utility.CreateBoolArray(1, ArrayValues[StartIndex]) endIf EndIndex += 1 bool[] Output = Utility.CreateBoolArray(EndIndex - StartIndex) int i = Output.Length while i && EndIndex i -= 1 EndIndex -= 1 Output[i] = ArrayValues[EndIndex] endWhile return Output endFunction ; ## ; ## DEPRECATED: SKSE now provides their own variable sized arrays for these types - mirrored here for backwards compatibility. ; ## float[] function FloatArray(int size, float filler = 0.0) global return Utility.CreateFloatArray(size, filler) endFunction int[] function IntArray(int size, int filler = 0) global return Utility.CreateIntArray(size, filler) endFunction bool[] function BoolArray(int size, bool filler = false) global return Utility.CreateBoolArray(size, filler) endFunction string[] function StringArray(int size, string filler = "") global return Utility.CreateStringArray(size, filler) endFunction Form[] function FormArray(int size, Form filler = none) global return Utility.CreateFormArray(size, filler) endFunction Alias[] function AliasArray(int size, Alias filler = none) global return Utility.CreateAliasArray(size, filler) endFunction float[] function ResizeFloatArray(float[] ArrayValues, int toSize, float filler = 0.0) global return Utility.ResizeFloatArray(ArrayValues, toSize, filler) endFunction int[] function ResizeIntArray(int[] ArrayValues, int toSize, int filler = 0) global return Utility.ResizeIntArray(ArrayValues, toSize, filler) endFunction string[] function ResizeStringArray(string[] ArrayValues, int toSize, string filler = "") global return Utility.ResizeStringArray(ArrayValues, toSize, filler) endFunction Form[] function ResizeFormArray(Form[] ArrayValues, int toSize, Form filler = none) global return Utility.ResizeFormArray(ArrayValues, toSize, filler) endFunction Alias[] function ResizeAliasArray(Alias[] ArrayValues, int toSize, Alias filler = none) global return Utility.ResizeAliasArray(ArrayValues, toSize, filler) endFunction