Scriptname FXbatScaredSCRIPT extends ObjectReference {Runs the bats animations when trigger box is entered.} ;=============================================== import debug ; import debug.psc for acces to trace() import utility ; utility.psc for access to wait() sound property mySFX auto ; specify sound fx to play weapon property weapLg auto ; specify large weapon type ammo property myAmmo auto ; specify ammo type float rndWaitTimer ;=============================================== auto STATE waiting Event onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (akActionRef == game.getPlayer() as ObjectReference) ;go to an empty state while we take care of the FX gotoState("busy") ;take care of FX, myAmmo) playAnimationAndWait("MothTakeoff", "End") ;now wait wait(RandomInt(20,30)) ;done waiting, now get out of the "busy" state and back to "waiting" state goToState ("waiting") endif endEvent endState ;=============================================== State busy ;do nothing EndState