scriptName TrapNorPlatform extends MovingTrap ; ; ;========================================== ;=================================================================== ;;GENERAL PROPERTIES BLOCK ;=================================================================== float property FireSpeed = 1.0 Auto {Time (in seconds) to move from the starting position to the ending position} float property ReturnSpeed = 5.0 Auto {Time (in seconds) to return from the ending position to the starting position} float property ReturnDelay = 2.5 Auto {Time (in seconds) to delay before resetting} string midAnim = "Mid" string up01Anim = "128Up" string up02Anim = "256Up" string up03Anim = "384Up" string up04Anim = "512Up" string up05Anim = "640Up" string up06Anim = "768Up" string down01Anim = "128Dn" string down02Anim = "256Dn" string down03Anim = "384Dn" string down04Anim = "512Dn" string down05Anim = "640Dn" string down06Anim = "768Dn" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bool restartLooping = false bool finishedPlaying = false bool hasPlayedAttackAnimOnce = FALSE float property initialDelay = 0.25 auto string property fireAnim auto hidden {firing animation, should not need to change} string property fireSpeedString auto hidden {firing speed string, name set in script} string property fireEvent = "Done" auto hidden {firing animation event, should not need to change} string property resetAnim auto hidden {reset animation, should not need to change} string property resetSpeedString auto hidden {reset speed string, name set in script} string property resetEvent = "Done" auto hidden {reset animation event, should not need to change} string property startSwungAnim auto hidden {anim event to start already swung} bool property startSwung = false auto {set to true to start swung} hazardBase property myHazardBase auto hidden ;;;OLD SCRIPT int property StartingHeight = 0 auto {The starting height of the platform, -6 to 6 heights are in increments of 128 defaults == 0} ;/ {The starting height of the platform, -6 to 6, defaults to 0} int Function Get() return StartingHeight endFunction Function Set (int value) if (value >= 6 && value <= 6) StartingHeight = Value else StartingHeight = 0 endif endFunction endProperty/; int property EndingHeight = 3 auto {The ending height of the platform, -6 to 6 heights are in increments of 128 defaults == 3} ;/ int Function Get() return EndingHeight endFunction Function Set (int value) if (value >= 6 && value <= 6) EndingHeight = Value else EndingHeight = 3 endif endFunction endProperty/; ;=================================================================== ;;EVENT BLOCK ;=================================================================== EVENT OnLoad() ;/if (startSwung == true ) ;trace(self + "OnLoad: playanimation(" + startSwungAnim + ")") playAnimation(startSwungAnim) ;activator starts opened endif/; ; debug.Trace(self + " has called onLoad") SetResetAnim() SetFireAnim() myHazardBase = (self as objectReference) as hazardBase isLoaded = TRUE if isFiring == True || startSwung == True startSwung = False if startSwung loop == True endif fireTrap() endif endEVENT ;=================================================================== ;;FIRE TRAP BLOCK ;=================================================================== Function fireTrap() ;Basic wind up and fire once checking ; debug.TRACE(self + " has called fireTrap") ; debug.TRACE(self + ": lastActivateRef = " + lastActivateRef) isFiring = True myHazardBase.goToState("CanHit") self as ObjectReference) ;play windup sound ResolveLeveledDamage() SetResetAnim() SetFireAnim() utility.wait( initialDelay ) ;wait for windup hasPlayedAttackAnimOnce = FALSE ;TRACE("Initial Delay complete") if (fireOnlyOnce == True) ;If this can be fired only once then disarm trapDisarmed = True endif ;TRACE("Looping =") ;TRACE(Loop) ;Trap Guts while(finishedPlaying == False && isLoaded == true) ;trace(self + "Firing trap: playanimation(" + fireAnim + ")") ;trace(self + "Firing trap: waiting for event(" + fireEvent + ")") if (hasPlayedAttackAnimOnce == FALSE) fireSpeedString = FireAnim fireSpeedString + "s" SetAnimationVariableFloat(fireSpeedString, FireSpeed) PlayAnimationAndWait(fireAnim, fireEvent) ; ;debug.Trace(self + "has finished anim once") hasPlayedAttackAnimOnce = TRUE Else utility.wait(0.5) endif finishedPlaying = True if (loop == TRUE) ;Reset Limiter ; ;debug.Trace(self + "is looping because loop = " + loop) resetLimiter() endif endWhile myHazardBase.goToState("CannotHit") resetSpeedString = resetAnim resetSpeedString + "s" SetAnimationVariableFloat(resetSpeedString, ReturnSpeed) utility.wait(ReturnDelay) if isLoaded isFiring = false PlayAnimationAndWait(resetAnim, resetEvent) goToState("Reset") endif ;trace(self + "Reset trap: playanimation(" + resetAnim + ")") ;trace(self + "Reset trap: waiting for event(" + resetEvent + ")") endFunction State Reset Event OnBeginState() GoToState ( "Idle" ) myHazardBase = (self as objectReference) as hazardBase if myHazardBase myHazardBase.goToState("CannotHit") endif endEvent Event OnActivate( objectReference activateRef ) lastActivateRef = activateRef EndEvent endState ;=================================================================== ;;FUNCTION BLOCK ;=================================================================== Function ResetLimiter() finishedPlaying = False ;hazardBase myHazardBase = (self as objectReference) as hazardBase ;myHazardBase.goToState("CanHit") EndFunction Function SetResetAnim() if startingHeight == -6 ResetAnim = down06Anim ElseIf startingHeight == -5 ResetAnim = down05Anim ElseIf startingHeight == -4 ResetAnim = down04Anim ElseIf startingHeight == -3 ResetAnim = down03Anim ElseIf startingHeight == -2 ResetAnim = down02Anim ElseIf startingHeight == -1 ResetAnim = down01Anim ElseIf startingHeight == 0 ResetAnim = midAnim ElseIf startingHeight == 1 ResetAnim = up01Anim ElseIf startingHeight == 2 ResetAnim = up02Anim ElseIf startingHeight == 3 ResetAnim = up03Anim ElseIf startingHeight == 4 ResetAnim = up04Anim ElseIf startingHeight == 5 ResetAnim = up05Anim ElseIf startingHeight == 6 ResetAnim = up06Anim Endif EndFunction Function SetFireAnim() if EndingHeight == -6 FireAnim = down06Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == -5 FireAnim = down05Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == -4 FireAnim = down04Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == -3 FireAnim = down03Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == -2 FireAnim = down02Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == -1 FireAnim = down01Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == 0 FireAnim = midAnim ElseIf EndingHeight == 1 FireAnim = up01Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == 2 FireAnim = up02Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == 3 FireAnim = up03Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == 4 FireAnim = up04Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == 5 FireAnim = up05Anim ElseIf EndingHeight == 6 FireAnim = up06Anim Endif startSwungAnim = FireAnim EndFunction Function ResolveLeveledDamage() int damageLevel int damage damageLevel = CalculateEncounterLevel(TrapLevel) damage = LvlDamage1 if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold1 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold2) damage = LvlDamage2 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("2") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold2 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold3) damage = LvlDamage3 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("3") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold3 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold4) damage = LvlDamage4 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("4") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold4 && damageLevel <= LvlThreshold5) damage = LvlDamage5 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("5") endif if (damageLevel > LvlThreshold5) damage = LvlDamage6 ;Trace("damage threshold =") ;Trace("6") endif ;Trace("damage =") ;Trace(damage) ;return damage myHazardBase = (self as objectReference) as hazardBase if myHazardBase myHazardBase.damage = damage endif EndFunction