#include "common/IErrors.h"
#include "common/IDebugLog.h"
#include <cstdlib>

__declspec(noreturn) static void IErrors_Halt(void)
	// crash
	*((int *)0) = 0xDEADBEEF;

 *	Report a failed assertion and exit the program
 *	@param file the file where the error occured
 *	@param line the line number where the error occured
 *	@param desc an error message
void _AssertionFailed(const char * file, unsigned long line, const char * desc)
	_FATALERROR("Assertion failed in %s (%d): %s", file, line, desc);


 *	Report a failed assertion and exit the program
 *	@param file the file where the error occured
 *	@param line the line number where the error occured
 *	@param desc an error message
 *	@param code the error code
void _AssertionFailed_ErrCode(const char * file, unsigned long line, const char * desc, unsigned long long code)
	if(code & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000)
		_FATALERROR("Assertion failed in %s (%d): %s (code = %16I64X (%I64d))", file, line, desc, code, code);
		UInt32	code32 = code;
		_FATALERROR("Assertion failed in %s (%d): %s (code = %08X (%d))", file, line, desc, code32, code32);

 *	Report a failed assertion and exit the program
 *	@param file the file where the error occured
 *	@param line the line number where the error occured
 *	@param desc an error message
 *	@param code the error code
void _AssertionFailed_ErrCode(const char * file, unsigned long line, const char * desc, const char * code)
	_FATALERROR("Assertion failed in %s (%d): %s (code = %s)", file, line, desc, code);
