Scriptname _00E_NQ_Bounty01_TargetScript extends ReferenceAlias ; SCRIPT AUTHOR DENNIS MAY 2014 ; Script handles Bandit appearance and checks if bounty job is done ; SCRIPT CHANGE TILL MAY 2018 ; Added-in Body Clean-up suggested by gavrant for performance reasons, check out WIDeadBodyCleanupScript for original code ; Eddoursul, January 2024: Made bounty targets protected instead of essential ; ==================================================================================== ; EVENTS ; ==================================================================================== Event OnCellAttach() ;FIRE WHEN PLAYER ENTERS THE CELL THE NEEDED ACTOR IS IN If NQ_Bounty01.GetCurrentStageID() == __Config_iEnableAtStage && GetReference().IsDisabled() GetReference().Enable() ; Enable the bandit when he is needed in the quest (GetReference() as Actor).GetActorBase().SetEssential(false) Endif EndEvent Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) Int iStage = __Config_iEnableAtStage NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveCompleted(iStage) ;MissionObjective: Kill the bandit - Done iStage += 5 NQ_Bounty01.SetCurrentStageID(iStage) ;MissionObjective: Take your bounty - New NQ_Bounty01.SetObjectiveDisplayed(iStage) ;Show Objective BountyScript._00E_NQ_Bounty01_Status = 2 ;Unlock bounty board to receive your gold EndEvent Event OnEnterBleedout() Actor aTarget = GetReference() as Actor if aTarget.IsInCombat() ; Allow minions to deal the final blow aTarget.GetActorBase().SetProtected(false) ; Technically, not required since 2.1, adding this in case of overwrite by an outdated mod aTarget.GetActorBase().SetEssential(false) endif endEvent ; ==================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ; ==================================================================================== Quest Property NQ_Bounty01 Auto _00E_NQ_Bounty01_Functions Property BountyScript Auto ;ACCESS TO QUEST SCRIPT Int Property __Config_iEnableAtStage Auto {Type the quest stage number to enable the bandit 10, 30, 50. Enable new enemy every 20th stage }