Scriptname _00E_HealthBarSummons extends Actor {Attaches and detaches the health bar to summons} _00E_FS_ForgottenStories_Functions Property ForgottenStoriesMiscDialogue Auto Bool Property DiesOnBleedout = False Auto Bool bRegisteredHealthBars = True ; Default to True, not False, for version update Event OnLoad() ForgottenStoriesMiscDialogue.showActorHealthBars(self) bRegisteredHealthBars = True EndEvent Event OnEnterBleedout() If DiesOnBleedout UnregisterHealthBars() EndIf EndEvent Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) UnregisterHealthBars() EndEvent Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) UnregisterHealthBars() ; In case OnDying fails to unregister the health bars EndEvent Event OnUnload() UnregisterHealthBars() ; In case OnDying and OnDeath fail to unregister the health bars (see the essential oorbayas) EndEvent Function UnregisterHealthBars() If bRegisteredHealthBars bRegisteredHealthBars = False ForgottenStoriesMiscDialogue.hideActorHealthBars(self) EndIf EndFunction