Scriptname SprigganFXSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect {Attaches and controlss spriggan FX} import utility import form Actor selfRef VisualEffect Property SprigganFXAttachEffect Auto Spell Property crSprigganHeal01 Auto Spell Property crSprigganCallCreatures Auto Idle Property FFselfIdle Auto int doOnce ;=============================================== ;RegisterForSleep() ; Before we can use OnSleepStart we must register. EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) ;Play your particles. selfRef = caster ;Added by USKP to prevent this effect from appearing on the player. If selfRef == Game.GetPlayer() Dispel() return EndIf ;USKP 2.0 - Check for NONE and spit an error out to see if we can find it if( selfRef == None ) Debug.TraceStack( "USKP error check: Spriggan called this as a NONE. Please report this error to the USKP team." ) Return EndIf ;test to see if spriggan is in ambush mode if (selfRef.GetSleepState() == 3) ; Debug.Trace("Spriggan is sleeping! 3") selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) else ;USKP 2.0.3 - 3D check needed before shaders. if( selfRef.Is3DLoaded() ) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Play(selfRef, -1) EndIf endIf ENDEVENT Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Stop(selfRef) endEvent Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture) ;Added by USKP to prevent this effect from appearing on the player. If selfRef == Game.GetPlayer() Dispel() return EndIf ;USKP 2.0 - Check for NONE and spit an error out to see if we can find it if( selfRef == None ) Debug.TraceStack( "USKP error check: Spriggan called this as a NONE. Please report this error to the USKP team." ) Return EndIf ; Debug.Trace("We just got up from " ) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Play(selfRef, -1) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "Revive" ) endEvent EVENT onDeath(actor myKiller) ;(selfRef as actor).PlaySubGraphAnimation( "LeavesScared" ) ;wait(10.0) ;USKP 2.0 - Check for NONE and spit an error out to see if we can find it if( selfRef == None ) Debug.TraceStack( "USKP error check: Spriggan called this as a NONE. Please report this error to the USKP team." ) Return EndIf selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) wait(10.0) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Stop(selfRef) ENDEVENT EVENT onCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState) if aeCombatState == 1 selfRef.playIdle(FFselfIdle) utility.wait(3.0) ;USKP 2.0.1 - If the 3D isn't loaded, don't cast. if( selfRef.Is3DLoaded() ) crSprigganCallCreatures.cast(selfRef,selfRef) EndIf endif endEVENT Event OnEnterBleedout() ; Debug.Trace("dude im bleeeding out" ) if doOnce == 0 selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) wait(2.0) ;USKP 2.0.1 - If the 3D isn't loaded, don't case. if( selfRef.Is3DLoaded() ) crSprigganHeal01.Cast(selfRef) EndIf selfRef.setActorValue("variable07",1) selfRef.evaluatePackage() wait(1.0) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "Revive" ) doOnce = 1 endIf ENDEVENT