Scriptname _00E_AutoSaveSystem_Functions extends Quest Event OnInit() fUpdateTime = Utility.GetIniFloat("fAutosaveEveryXMins:SaveGame") If fUpdateTime <= 0.0 ; just in case fUpdateTime = 60 EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(fUpdateTime*60) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If bAutosaveSystemStopped == false If Utility.IsInMenuMode() == false && UI.IsTextInputEnabled() == false && UI.IsMenuOpen("Dialogue Menu") == false && PlayerREF.IsDead() == false && PlayerREF.IsInCombat() == false && Game.IsFightingControlsEnabled() == true Game.RequestAutoSave() RegisterForSingleUpdate(fUpdateTime*60) Else RegisterForSingleUpdate(5) EndIf EndIf EndEvent ; called from _00E_PlayerSetUpScript in Maintenance() to update ini setting fAutosaveEveryXMins in case it was changed Function UpdateAutoSaveInterval() fUpdateTime = Utility.GetIniFloat("fAutosaveEveryXMins:SaveGame") If fUpdateTime <= 0.0 ; just in case fUpdateTime = 60 EndIf UnregisterForUpdate() RegisterForSingleUpdate(fUpdateTime*60) EndFunction Function StopAutosaveSystem() bAutosaveSystemStopped = true UnregisterForUpdate() EndFunction Function ResumeAutosaveSystemInXMinutes(float _fMinutes = 0.0) If _fMinutes == 0.0 _fMinutes = fUpdateTime If _fMinutes == 0.0 ; just in case _fMinutes = 60 EndIf EndIf UnregisterForUpdate() ; just in case again RegisterForSingleUpdate(_fMinutes*60) bAutosaveSystemStopped = false EndFunction ; not used yet btw / maybe will never be used ; called shortly before the end of every quest, parameter is always the quest name Function RequestHardSave(string _sQuestName) Utility.Wait(0.1) ; in case we are in a menu (debug message boxes / dialogue etc) Game.SaveGame(_sQuestName) EndFunction bool bAutosaveSystemStopped = false float fUpdateTime Actor Property PlayerREF Auto