Scriptname _00E_PlayerSetUpScript extends ObjectReference {Initializes all the necessary Quests, maintains the player, contains various OnPlayerLoadGame() failsafes. This script is important for proper updating, do not overwrite it.} int function _GetScriptVersion() Global return 1 endFunction ;===================================================================================== ; EVENTS ;===================================================================================== Event OnInit() If self != (PlayerREF as ObjectReference) return EndIf PlayerREF.SetActorValue("speedMult", 95) PlayerREF.SetActorValue("Healrate", 0) EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() If self == (PlayerREF as ObjectReference) ; A check just in case. Most likely this condition is always True Maintenance() EndIf EndEvent ;===================================================================================== ; MAINTENANCE ;===================================================================================== Function Maintenance() ; changes to the actor value healrate will not persist in consecutive saves ; every time a save gets loaded the healrate needs to be set to 0, otherwise it will go back again to default at 0.7 ; this is called before active magic effects of potions or spells are applied to the player which could also alter the value PlayerREF.SetActorValue("Healrate", 0) ; Workaround for broken physics on loading saves, made on a mount If PlayerREF.IsOnMount() PlayerREF.Dismount() EndIf ; Clear stuck help messages, leaking between game loads Message.ResetHelpMessage("Clear") (Game.GetForm(0xAC80E) as Message).ShowAsHelpMessage("Clear", 0.1, 1, 1) EndFunction ;===================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ;===================================================================================== Actor Property PlayerREF Auto