Scriptname _00E_ContainerBonusControl extends Quest Hidden ; This script sets up the sleight of hand loot of a chest upon activating it int function _GetScriptVersion() Global return 1 endFunction ;===================================================================================== ; FUNCTIONS ;===================================================================================== function OnOpenContainer(ObjectReference targetContainer) ; Lockpicking menu while targetContainer.IsLocked() && Utility.IsInMenuMode() Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0) endwhile ; Game mode and still locked if targetContainer.IsLocked() return endif ; Wait for it to open int i while i < 20 && targetContainer.GetOpenState() == 2 Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) i += 1 endwhile ; Leave if we are not in the container menu yet if SKSE.GetVersion() if ! UI.IsMenuOpen("ContainerMenu") return endif elseif ! Utility.IsInMenuMode() return endif if targetContainer.GetItemCount(_00E_HiddenSlotChecked) return endif targetContainer.AddItem(_00E_HiddenSlotChecked, 1, true) if targetContainer.GetItemCount(Gold001) >= 5 IncrementGold(targetContainer) endif if _00E_ChestsWithHiddenSlots.HasForm(targetContainer.GetBaseObject()) OpenHiddenSlot(targetContainer) endif endfunction Function IncrementGold(ObjectReference targetContainer) int iGoldMultiplicator = _00E_GoldMult.GetValue() as int if iGoldMultiplicator <= 0 iGoldMultiplicator = 5 endif float fIncrementPercentage = ( PlayerREF.GetActorValue("Lockpicking") / iGoldMultiplicator ) / 100 int iGoldBuffAmount = ( targetContainer.GetItemCount(Gold001) * fIncrementPercentage ) as Int if iGoldBuffAmount <= 0 return endif targetContainer.AddItem(Gold001, iGoldBuffAmount) if iGoldBuffAmount > 1 _00E_FS_LockpickingGoldBuffMSG.Show(iGoldBuffAmount as Int) EndIf EndFunction function OpenHiddenSlot(ObjectReference currentContainer, bool bLootMenu = false) if ! SetUpHiddenSlot(currentContainer) return endif UILockpickingCylinderTurnM.Play(PlayerREF) messageToShow.Show() if bLootMenu containerToFill.RemoveAllItems(currentContainer, true, true) else ; Open hidden container after the original one closes Utility.Wait(0.1) If IsOwned(currentContainer) containerToFill.SetFactionOwner(SleightOfHandOwnerFaction) Else containerToFill.SetFactionOwner(none) Endif containerToFill.lastContainer = currentContainer containerToFill.Activate(PlayerREF, false) endif If containerToFill == _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_BigSlotREF _00E_EPHandler.GiveEP(_00E_BigHiddenSlotExpReward.GetValue() as int) If _00E_HiddenSlotAchievementUnlocked.GetValueInt() == 0 UIEnchantingLearnEffectM.Play(PlayerREF) _00E_HiddenSlotAchievementUnlocked.SetValueInt(1) Steam.UnlockAchievement("END_HIDDEN_SLOT_01") EndIf EndIf endfunction bool function SetUpHiddenSlot(ObjectReference aContainer) if ! DoesContainerHaveHiddenSlot() return false EndIf messageToShow = GetSlotMessage() int iHiddenSlotTier = GetHiddenSlotTier() int iFormlistIndexOffset = 8*(iHiddenSlotTier - 1) int iFormlistIndex if messageToShow == _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sSmallSlotFound containerToFill = _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_SmallSlotREF as _00E_HiddenSlotContainer iFormlistIndex = Utility.RandomInt(0, 2) + iFormlistIndexOffset Elseif messageToShow == _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sMediumSlotFound containerToFill = _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_MediumSlotREF as _00E_HiddenSlotContainer iFormlistIndex = Utility.RandomInt(3, 5) + iFormlistIndexOffset Elseif messageToShow == _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sBigSlotFound containerToFill = _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_BigSlotREF as _00E_HiddenSlotContainer iFormlistIndex = Utility.RandomInt(6, 7) + iFormlistIndexOffset EndIf Formlist hiddenSlotFormlist = _00E_FS_HiddenSlotRewardFormlists.GetAt(iFormlistIndex) as Formlist AddItemsToContainer(hiddenSlotFormlist, iFormlistIndexOffset, iHiddenSlotTier) return true EndFunction Function AddItemsToContainer(Formlist itemsToAdd, int iFormlistIndexOffset, int iHiddenSlotTier) containerToFill.RemoveAllItems() if containerToFill == _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_BigSlotREF if ! itemsToAdd.HasForm(_00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlotUsedMarker) itemsToAdd.AddForm(_00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlotUsedMarker) Else int iFormlistIndex = Utility.RandomInt(3, 5) + iFormlistIndexOffset itemsToAdd = _00E_FS_HiddenSlotRewardFormlists.GetAt(iFormlistIndex) as Formlist messageToShow = _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sMediumSlotFound EndIf EndIf containerToFill.AddItem(itemsToAdd, 1, true) if itemsToAdd.HasForm(Gold001) containerToFill.AddItem(Gold001, iHiddenSlotTier * 5 - 1, true) endif EndFunction bool Function DoesContainerHaveHiddenSlot() float fHiddenSlotChance = Utility.RandomInt(0, 100) int iPlayerPickpocketSkill = PlayerREF.GetActorValue("Pickpocket") as Int ; raised the divider from 2 to 2.5, maybe we should raise it even further ; otherwise too much loot might be given away float fPlayerChance = iPlayerPickpocketSkill/2.5 If fPlayerChance < 15 fPlayerChance = 15 EndIf return (fHiddenSlotChance <= fPlayerChance) EndFunction int Function GetHiddenSlotTier() int iPlayerLevel = PlayerLevel.GetValueInt() if iPlayerLevel >= iTierCap_1 && iPlayerLevel < iTierCap_2 Return 1 Elseif iPlayerLevel >= iTierCap_2 && iPlayerLevel < iTierCap_3 Return 2 Elseif iPlayerLevel >= iTierCap_3 && iPlayerLevel < iTierCap_4 Return 3 Elseif iPlayerLevel >= iTierCap_4 && iPlayerLevel < iTierCap_5 Return 4 Else Return 5 EndIf EndFunction Message Function GetSlotMessage() ; This calculates whether the hidden slot will be filled with a small, a regular, or a rare reward int iSlotSize = Utility.RandomInt(1, 100) if iSlotSize <= iBigSlotChance && PlayerREF.GetActorValue("Pickpocket") >= 75 return _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sBigSlotFound Elseif (iSlotSize > iBigSlotChance) && (iSlotSize <= (iMediumSlotChance + iBigSlotChance)) && PlayerREF.GetActorValue("Pickpocket") >= 50 return _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sMediumSlotFound Else return _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sSmallSlotFound EndIf EndFunction bool Function IsOwned(ObjectReference aContainer) If aContainer.GetActorOwner() return true EndIf Cell ContainerParentCell = aContainer.GetParentCell() return ContainerParentCell.GetActorOwner() || ContainerParentCell.GetFactionOwner() EndFunction ;===================================================================================== ; PROPERTIES ;===================================================================================== ; These integers determine at which levels player can access the different tiers int iTierCap_1 = 0 int iTierCap_2 = 15 int iTierCap_3 = 25 int iTierCap_4 = 35 int iTierCap_5 = 45 ; These integers determine the likelihood of the different slot sizes int iSmallSlotChance = 50 int iMediumSlotChance = 35 int iBigSlotChance = 15 ; This formlist will be filled with the formlist containing the items that will actually be added into the container Message messageToShow _00E_HiddenSlotContainer containerToFill Actor Property PlayerRef Auto ActorBase Property Player Auto GlobalVariable Property PlayerLevel Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_HiddenSlotAchievementUnlocked Auto GlobalVariable Property _00E_BigHiddenSlotExpReward Auto ; Use this to control how much the lockpicking skill increments the gold found in chest. When changing, remember to change in _00E_LootContainer.psc as well! ; Current calculation: Gold in chest*((Lockpicking/iGoldMultiplicator)/100) GlobalVariable Property _00E_GoldMult Auto ; These REFs simply provide the containers that will be filled when finding a secret slot ObjectReference Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_SmallSlotREF Auto ObjectReference Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_MediumSlotREF Auto ObjectReference Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_BigSlotREF Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto MiscObject Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlotUsedMarker Auto MiscObject Property _00E_HiddenSlotChecked Auto Sound Property UILockpickingCylinderTurnM Auto Sound Property UIEnchantingLearnEffectM Auto Message Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sSmallSlotFound Auto Message Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sMediumSlotFound Auto Message Property _00E_FS_SleightOfHand_HiddenSlot_sBigSlotFound Auto ; This contains all formlists with items for the rewards.For every tier, there are nine different treasures to be found, three in small and medium category, two in big. FormList Property _00E_FS_HiddenSlotRewardFormlists Auto FormList Property _00E_ChestsWithHiddenSlots Auto Faction Property SleightOfHandOwnerFaction Auto Message Property _00E_FS_LockpickingGoldBuffMSG Auto