Scriptname _00E_MQ11a_PlayerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Calia Auto Int FightId Int PostFightQuestStage FormList EnemyList Location EnemyLocation LocationRefType EnemyLocRefType Bool bNoReanimation Int nAliveEnemies Int OutOfCombatCount Function StartTrackingFight(Int _fightId, Int _postFightQuestStage, FormList _enemyList, Location _enemyLocation, LocationRefType _enemyLocRefType, Bool _bNoReanimation) If FightId == _fightId Return EndIf If FightId != 0 ; Safeguard: clear the previous fight PostFightCleanup() GoToState("") EndIf FightId = _fightId PostFightQuestStage = _postFightQuestStage EnemyList = _enemyList nAliveEnemies = EnemyList.GetSize() EnemyLocation = _enemyLocation EnemyLocRefType = _enemyLocRefType bNoReanimation = _bNoReanimation GoToState("TrackFight") EndFunction Function RegisterEnemyDeath() nAliveEnemies -= 1 EndFunction Function PostFightCleanup() FightId = 0 If EnemyList ; Kill'em all as a safeguard! Form[] enemies = EnemyList.ToArray() Int Index = 0 While Index < enemies.Length Actor enemyRef = (enemies[Index] as Actor) If enemyRef.IsDead() == False enemyRef.Kill(enemyRef) ; "Suicide" -> no XP for the player, hehe EndIf Index += 1 EndWhile EnemyList = None EndIf EndFunction Bool Function CheckEnemiesAreDead() Form[] enemies = EnemyList.ToArray() Int Index = 0 While Index < enemies.Length If (enemies[Index] as Actor).IsDead() == False Return False EndIf Index += 1 EndWhile Return True EndFunction State TrackFight Event OnBeginState() OutOfCombatCount = 0 If bNoReanimation RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.0) Else RegisterForSingleUpdate(10.0) EndIf EndEvent Event OnEndState() PostFightCleanup() EndEvent Event OnUpdate() Int curStage = GetOwningQuest().GetCurrentStageID() If (PostFightQuestStage > 0) && (curStage >= PostFightQuestStage) GoToState("") Return EndIf Bool bIsInCombat = GetActorReference().IsInCombat() If (curStage >= 95) && (curStage < 130) Actor caliaRef = Alias_Calia.GetActorReference() If bIsInCombat == False If caliaRef.IsInCombat() bIsInCombat = True ElseIf caliaRef.IsBleedingOut() && (nAliveEnemies > 0) bIsInCombat = True EndIf Else ; bIsInCombat If caliaRef.IsInCombat() == False && caliaRef.IsBleedingOut() == False ; Make Calia join the fray Actor targetRef = GetActorReference().GetCombatTarget() If targetRef caliaRef.StartCombat(targetRef) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If bIsInCombat == False OutOfCombatCount += 1 If (nAliveEnemies <= 0) || (EnemyLocation.GetRefTypeAliveCount(EnemyLocRefType) <= 0) || (OutOfCombatCount >= 5 && CheckEnemiesAreDead()) Int oldFightId = (FightId as Int) GoToState("") (GetOwningQuest() as _00E_MQ11a_Functions).RegisterFightEnd(oldFightId, PostFightQuestStage) Return EndIf Else OutOfCombatCount = 0 EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndEvent EndState