Scriptname _00E_MQ12c_AniStuckFixSC extends ObjectReference ;This script is basically a failsafe for report ERB-1537. It will prevent the animation stuck on the bed, however the true cause of the bug is still unknown Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If MQ12c.GetCurrentStageID() == 5 && akActionRef == PlayerREF && PlayerREF.IsWeaponDrawn() PlayerREF.AddItem(GasTrapDummy, 1, 1) PlayerREF.EquipItem(GasTrapDummy, 0, 1) Utility.Wait(1) PlayerREF.SheatheWeapon() PlayerREF.RemoveItem(GasTrapDummy, 1, 1) Self.Disable() EndIf EndEvent Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Quest Property MQ12c Auto Weapon Property GasTrapDummy Auto