Scriptname _00E_FS_NQR05_PerversionSC extends Actor Event OnInit() SetActorValue("UnarmedDamage", 35) EndEvent Event OnEnterBleedout() PlayDeathFX() EndEvent Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) ; Perversions are essential by default, but the death FX make them non-essential for a short time. ; This is a safeguard for a perversion dying while its actor base is non-essential because another perversion of the same base started its death FX a bit earlier. PlayDeathFX() EndEvent Bool bIsDying = False Function PlayDeathFX() If bIsDying Return EndIf bIsDying = True SetGhost(True) ActorBase myActorBase = GetActorBase() _00E_FS_NPC_PerversionDeathM.Play(Self) _00E_HighOnesDisintegrate.Play(Self) Utility.Wait(1.9) SetCriticalStage(CritStage_DisintegrateStart) AbsorbRedImod.Apply() PlaceAtMe(_00E_FS_NQR05_BloodGeysir) PlaceAtMe(_00E_FS_NQR05_PerversionExp) StopCombat() myActorBase.SetEssential(False) Kill(None) AttachAshPile(_00E_CorpseExplosionPile_Remains) SetAlpha(0.0, True) SetCriticalStage(CritStage_DisintegrateEnd) myActorBase.SetEssential(True) If RewardExp > 0 If (Game.GetPlayer() as _00E_EPUpdateFunctions).receiveEP(RewardExp) ; Player receives EXP EndIf EndIf EndFunction Explosion Property _00E_FS_NQR05_PerversionExp Auto Explosion Property _00E_FS_NQR05_BloodGeysir Auto Sound Property _00E_FS_NPC_PerversionDeathM Auto ImageSpaceModifier Property AbsorbRedImod Auto EffectShader Property _00E_HighOnesDisintegrate Auto Activator Property _00E_CorpseExplosionPile_Remains Auto Int Property RewardExp Auto